Harry DikranianHarry Dikranianhttps://themetropolitain.ca/articles/author/240fraThe Armenian Genocidehttps://themetropolitain.ca/articles/view/1523https://themetropolitain.ca/articles/view/1523Last Friday marked the centennial of the Armenian Genocide. Those two words, “Armenian Genocide,” are usually not capitalized, except in the minds and hearts of its survivors. Very few are alive today. But for their descendants around the world, the Armenian Genocide is a rallying cry for more than remembrance.What happened on April 24, 1915? Ottoman Turkish soldiers carried out a centrally planned executive order to gather the Armenian minority’s elite. Over 250 political, professional, religious and business leaders were brutally marched into exile to the Syrian desert or simply killed.Harry DikranianSun, 26 Apr 2015 15:41:00 -0400