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While the Arab League Slept: The EU and cooperation

By Rouba al-Fattal on September 9, 2010

There is no denying that the EU lacks a clear strategy when it comes to the Mediterranean in particular and the Arab world in general, as Abdullah Baabood posits. EU’s strategy has indeed oscillated over the past fifteen years between promoting free-trade and democracy multilaterally, to fostering bilateral cooperation with attached conditions, to lifting the conditionality all together and scraping the human rights and democracy questions off its wish-list in what can be described as a series of reactive policies in response to the oil crisis, EU’s own enlargement, and terrorism threats. It is also true that the EU’s policy towards the region was a factor in deepening divisions between the Mediterranean and the Gulf states, and that there is “much to gain by linking the EU’s various policy threads with different Arab countries”, even more in fostering a Euro-Arab agenda instead of the exclusive and divisive EU-Mediterranean vision. 

Canadian High Speed Rail: More Promise than Reality?

By Robert Presser on September 9, 2010

train.jpgThere are two figures readers need to keep in mind as they contemplate the possibility of boarding a 250 km/h train between Montreal and Toronto: 511 and 19.  The 511 is the number of kilometers of High Speed Rail (HSR) that Brazil plans to build to link its largest cities, Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro via Campinas.  The 19 is the number of billions of US dollars this project is likely to cost.  The Brazilians deserve a great deal of credit for not hiding the truth from their population as to the cost and complexity of the project.  Creating HSR in Brazil is essential to relieving pressure from Brazil’s overcrowded airports and its decaying roads, which are overwhelmed by crowded buses that fight with the truck traffic between the two massive population hubs.

Technology as an age of pessimism

By Steven Lightfoot on September 9, 2010

Robert Goddard was a dreamer and inventor. Born in Massachusetts in 1882, he was a sickly child, and fell behind his fellow students. But he had an  insatiable curiosity about the physical world and was a voracious reader. He managed to become valedictorian of his high school class, stating in his address, "It has often proved true that the dream of yesterday is the hope of today, and the reality of tomorrow."

Les deux solitudes : Up close and personal

By Fanny La Croix on September 9, 2010

Why do Francophones speak so much English amongst themselves? It’s a question you find yourself asking often when you’re in constant language flux, seamlessly weaving between the two solitudes.
Même parmi les Francophones pures laines, certains dont l'anglais est au mieux passable, ils se retrouvent à utiliser ce langage si confortable et si à la mode, celui de Shakespeare. De temps en temps, il y a un éveil, alimenté par la fierté nationaliste; les excuses commencent ainsi que la détermination bien intentionnée de vouloir parler plus le français, mais c’est de courte durée.

L’Islam est-il né dans un désert?

By Louise V. Labrecque on September 9, 2010

Dans cinq ou huit langues différentes,  en fouillant bien, des savants ont trouvés des textes arabiques, qui n’ont aucune parenté avec l’arabe qu’on connait. Le défi, pour quiconque s’intéresse à l’avant-Islam, c’est de trouver des sources. Il faut donc, bien souvent, se tourner vers  la tradition orale et de la poésie archaïque, recueillis par les premiers savants arabo-musulmans (des milliers de textes antiques), souvent gravés sur pierre ou métal, espèces de graffitis  incisés par des passants sur les roches, le long des chemins et autres documents d’archives écrits sur des bouts de bois,  en alphabet cursif. En effet, cette diversité précède la conversion à l’Islam et porte le nom de Jâhiliyya ou « Age de l’ignorance »; en ce temps-là, la Mecque était une petite bourgade aux ressources limitées où la faim et la survie était lot quotidien de la population. Parce qu’elle n’a jamais été réellement conquise, l’Arabie n’est mentionnée qu’incidemment dans les sources orientales (annales  syriennes et la Bible).

Piperberg's World

By Roy Piperberg on September 9, 2010


Otto Joachim: A majestic legacy

By Alan Hustak on September 9, 2010

Otto_Joachim.JPGDuring the First World War Otto Joachim was still a boy taking music lessons at the Buths-Neitzel conservatory. In Dusseldorf each day he passed a house that once belonged to Johannes Brahms. That, he said, gave him an inspiration, if he needed any, to think, “Hey, are you going to be a composer some day?”

New York extremes in a glass of wine

By Robert K. Stephen on September 9, 2010

hotel600.jpgDo not assume New York City is “a city”. It is a collection of villages within a city. In fact why bother calling it New York City. It’s really Manhattan divided by 22 or so. As geographical and ethnic boundaries go so do a couple of wine bars. Drop in for a glass of wine at two distinct villages in Manhattan and see two different worlds of wine.


By Louise V. Labrecque on September 9, 2010

Enfin!  Éva Circé-Côté est sortie des oubliettes pour entrer de plein fouet dans nos esprits, en même temps que sur les tablettes de nos librairies ! Il était temps, en effet, de dépoussiérer l’œuvre extraordinaire de cette grande dame, libre-penseuse, poète, dramaturge, journaliste, musicienne, et j’en passe !  Dans cent ans, ceux qui voudront comprendre le prix des combats contre l’ignorance et l’intolérance dans le Québec  des années 1900, s’épargneront de longues et austères recherches, s’ils consentent à passer au peigne fin le livre d’Andrée Lévesque “Éva Circé-Côté libre-penseuse 1871-1949. »

La Révolution tranquille expliquée aux jeunes (suite et fin)

By Pierre K. Malouf on July 22, 2010

Avant que nous ne soyons interrompus, vous me demandiez des exemples de l’«hyperactivité» du gouvernement de l’époque. En voici quelques-uns : il y eut une loi qui rendait la fréquentation scolaire obligatoire jusqu'à seize ans, la création du ministère des Affaires fédérales-provinciales, la création du ministère des Affaires culturelles, l’Assurance- hospitalisation, la création de la Société générale de financement, la nationalisation de l’électricité... 

Conrad Black et le jeu politique de la justice

By Beryl Wajsman on July 22, 2010

CONRAD-BLACK-BW.jpgEnfin un peu de justice qui, espérons-le, devra apporter une fin à la persécution pernicieuse et à l'emprisonnement injuste de Conrad Black. La Cour suprême des États-Unis a restreint la portée d'une loi fédérale sur la fraude, qui est souvent utilisée dans les dossiers de crimes économiques, et, de ce fait, les trois condamnations pour fraude prononcées contre Conrad Black. La cour, dans une décision unanime, a constaté que la loi était confinée aux arrangements frauduleux impliquant des pots-de-vin. Il n'y en avait pas dans l'affaire Black. En effet, Black fut innocenté de neuf chefs d'accusations de fraude. C'était l'une des seules fois dans l'histoire américaine où quelqu'un a été trouvé coupable de fraude postale (essentiellement envoyer du matériel concernant une fraude alléguée par la poste) alors qu'innocenté des chefs d'accusations principale de fraude. 

Don't shoot the messenger

By Dermod Travis on July 22, 2010

richard-fadden-300x208.jpgBefore some of Canada's political class line up eagerly to shoot themessenger, they may be better off asking instead: what if CSIS chief Mr. Richard Fadden is right in his warnings regarding foreign interference in Canada's political affairs.
Because his remarks raise two fundamental questions: do Chinese spies and possibly their non-Chinese operatives in fact lurk within our political structures and, if so, how much of a concern should it be to Canadians?

Creative regulation without reflection, a Montreal trademark

By Dan Delmar on July 22, 2010

Montreal is a city known for overregulation. We have grown accustomed to being punished for a myriad of offences considered banal by any rational person; not holding the Métro escalator handrail, having weeds grow over a decimetre on sidewalks in front of our business, tying a dog’s leash to a tree, spilling cold coffee onto the street…
The latest assault on reason again punishes small and medium-sized businesses. The Métropolitain was prepared for a summer vacation period free of new paternalistic regulation to sift through, but evidently it is asking too much of our municipal leaders to give us this reprieve. 

Alors, félicitons maintenant les hommes célèbres!

By P.A. Sévigny on July 22, 2010

PGL-BW.jpgCinquante ans après que le Premier ministre libérale du Québec Jean première Lesage et son conseil des ministres aient entrepris le changement des réalités sociales, politiques et culturelles du Québec, Paul Gérin-Lajoie, son ministre de l'éducation, est le seul homme encore parmi nous qui peut dire au Québec comment c’était d'être un des dirigeants de l’illustre Révolution tranquille du Québec. Pendant un événement qui a rassemblé un grand nombre d’invités un soir au Centre Sheraton du centre-ville de Montréal, plus qu’une simple poignée des élites politiques du Québec étaient heureux d'aider Gérin-Lajoie et sa famille à célébrer le quatre-vingt-dixième anniversaire de cet homme. 

Une réflexion sur le départ du Cardinal Ouellet

By Mike Medeiros on July 22, 2010

cardouellet_300.jpgLe prêtre catholique le plus haut gradé du Canada a récemment reçu une promotion. Le Cardinal Marc Ouellet a été nommé à la tête le de la Congrégation pour les évêques du Vatican; essentiellement, le département des ressources humaines pour le cercle intime du pape. Alors, il quittera sous peu le Québec et ira au Vatican.
Cette nomination au Vatican du Cardinal Ouellet a suscitée une gamme d’émotions chez de nombreux Québécois et Canadiens.

Resurrecting Chabanel

By Jessica Murphy on July 22, 2010

Five years ago, textile and apparel quotas were completely eliminated for all WTO member countries, including Canada.
Montreal - alongside New York and Los Angeles - is one of the top three fashion production hubs in North America and the city has been scrambling to ensure the industry’s continued existence despite the pressure of loosening trade regulations. 
It launched a glitzy campaign to showcase Montreal as a ‘fashion city’ filled with a creativity and passion for the craft. 

The Iranian threat: A clear and present danger

By l'Hon. Irwin Cotler on July 22, 2010

Ahmadinejad’s Iran – a term used to distinguish the regime from the people and publics of Iran who are themselves the targets of massive domestic repression – has emerged as a clear and present danger to international peace and security, to regional and Mid-East stability, and increasingly – and alarmingly so – to its own people.
Simply put, we are witnessing in Ahmadinejad’s Iran the toxic convergence of four distinct – yet interrelated – dangers – the nuclear threat; the genocidal incitement threat; state-sponsored terrorism; and the systematic and widespread violations of the rights of the Iranian people.

Auschwitz- Birkenau and Confronting Contemporary Antisemitism

By The Hon. David Kilgour on July 22, 2010

demonstration-downtown.jpgRecently, my wife Laura and I visited Auschwitz-Birkenau before attending a conference on democratic governance in nearby Krakow. The two large camps, about four kilometres apart and preserved by the Polish Parliament in 1947 as monuments to the Holocaust/Shoah, are undoubtedly the most inhuman scenes we visitors from around the world had ever seen.     
Our guide told us many things, including the fact that last year alone the two sites received about 1.2 million visitors. If only many more people of all ages from everywhere, including Canada, would come, some of the world's Holocaust deniers might mute at least this feature of their antisemitism.

Chinese money

By Prof. Thomas Velk on July 22, 2010

On June 19th China’s central bank, called The People’s Bank of China, announced that it will “increase the renminbi’s “exchange-rate flexibility”, meaning that the U.S. dollar cost of buying Chinese money (also termed “Yuan”) might go up.  And so everything that the West buys from China, ranging from computer parts, TVs, heavy machinery and plastic toys to edamame (the Chinese supplied “Japanese” soy beans you eat in Asian restaurants) and London Cabs (the firm is owned by China’s Geeley company) may cost a bit more.

Ben and Barry: Just a few New Flavors

By David Solway on July 22, 2010

Benjamin Netanyahu can count himself lucky. The press has made much of the humiliation he suffered at the hands of Barry (aka Barack) Obama who, during their recent encounter, left him to stew for an hour in the White House reception room while the president enjoyed a leisurely dinner “with Michelle and the girls.” This was plainly no way to treat a visiting head of government, but let’s face it, it could have been much worse.

Stimulate or Decimate? A post-summit briefing note for the G20 leadership

By Robert Presser on July 22, 2010

Dear G20 leaders,

First of all, congratulations are in order for emerging with anything resembling a commitment to fiscal restraint at all, given the differing economic environments you are all facing.  The message was simple and direct: cut deficits in half by 2013 and stabilize debt to GDP ratios by 2016.  Boy, are you lucky that the majority of populist journalists ran to file the story before they read the fine print, because otherwise the solidarity you displayed in the group photo would look more like Swiss cheese.  Japan gets an exemption from the debt level targets because they are still fighting deflation leftover from the last recession, and the US federal government is busy spending more, not less, to compensate for state budgets that are being slashed to the bone. 

300,000 abused?

By Barbara Kay on July 22, 2010

domestic-violence-25394980.jpg“A bad statistic,” says sociologist Joel Best, “is harder to kill than a vampire.” Bad statistics come from bad intellectual faith. And in no field does bad intellectual faith run more rampant than that of domestic violence.
In an up-to-date example of the phenomenon, we find the “World Soccer Abuse Nightmare” out of England, in which the British Home Office carelessly endorsed a bogus study put forward by England’s Association of Chief Police Officers, purporting to find that a full 30 per cent increase in domestic violence (DV) during the World Cup. A subsequent investigation by reliable scholars found the so-called study to be riddled with errors and corrupt methodology. 


What Hampstead can learn from Syria and Tunisia

By Dan Delmar on July 22, 2010

In their fight to prevent the Quebec government from passing Bill 94, niqab and burqa-wearing Muslim women have found support in the most unusual of places: The most heavily Jewish town, statistically, in the entire province. 
The face veil – the dehumanization of women – is where most reasonable people would draw the line. And evidently leaders in jurisdictions like France, Belgium, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey and Egypt agree, having adopted various sorts of niqab restrictions. Why does Hampstead purport to know what is better for Muslim women than a growing number of Muslim nations?

Armageddon or no Armageddon, Secularists need to remain vigilant

By Anthony Philbin on July 22, 2010

The recent publishing of Marci McDonald’s The Armageddon Factor: The Rise of Christian Nationalism in Canada, was timed to coincide with Canada’s annual National Prayer Breakfast (NPB). Though the first occurrence of the prayer breakfast took place when The Beatles arrived on North American soil, back in 1964, I have to say I’d probably still be in the dark about it if not for the clever marketing ploy by McDonald’s publisher.

Message to environmentalists: ‘Humankind needs energy!’

By Mischa Popoff on July 22, 2010

global_warming.jpgHumankind needs energy; always has, always will. 

The emails from East Anglia University revealed that global-warming data were all fudged – plain and simple. This led to the collapse of a global-warming industry that had sprung up after the signing of the Kyoto Protocol. But die-hard environmentalists were never bothered by not having a leg to stand on. Not only do they still want us to quit driving our cars, they want us to quit taking flights.

Le Monde de Piperberg

By Roy Piperberg on July 22, 2010


Surviving Broadway

By Sharman Yarnell on July 22, 2010

NEW YORK, NY - Although the past few months have seen some closures of those “sure-fire hits,” Broadway is alive, well and high-kicking through the summer and into the fall. However, the Bard’s claim, "the play’s the thing,” should probably read “the revival’s the thing.”

Most of the draws at the box office, except for a couple, are all tried and true productions from the past. Where are the writers, the lyricists, the great librettists of yore? 


Public spaces I - Circling the Square

By Alan Hustak on July 22, 2010

IMG_3209.JPGThe $14-million redesign of Place d’Armes in Old Montreal gives new meaning to the expression tearing up the city.  Ongoing construction for more than a year has turned the historic ground in front of Notre Dame basilica into a no man’s land.  Tourists expecting to see the statue of Montreal’s founder, Paul de Chomedey, sieur de Maisonneuve, are greeted instead by bulldozers. Making your way up Beaver Hall  hill into Notre Dame or into any of the office buildings around the square means running an obstacle course around the massive excavation. 

Public spaces II - Bulldozing the Bonaventure

By Alan Hustak on July 22, 2010

Autoroute_Bonaventure.jpgThe plans to bulldoze the Bonaventure expressway and replace it  with a ground level  boulevard, for example, have gone back to the drawing board.  The Office de consultation publique de montréal  was right  to doubt the wisdom of the entire $260-million redevelopment scheme initially  proposed by the  Societe du Havre de Montreal,  and to recommend a second  look at the whole idea. 

The people at City Hall responsible for the ambitious project might learn a thing or two from Boston’s experience. 

Remembering D-Day 66 years later

By Robert J. Galbraith on June 10, 2010



La Révolution tranquille expliquée aux jeunes

By Pierre K. Malouf on June 10, 2010

En préparation pour ce numéro, j’ai rencontré une étudiante, qui m’a interrogé sur la Révolution tranquille. Voici, sous forme de questions et réponses, une synthèse de nos échanges. 

Alice : Merci de répondre à mes questions. Vous avez vécu la Révolution tranquille.  Pourriez-vous nous situer dans le temps?

Moi : Avec plaisir, mademoiselle.


Résister aux comparaisons / To withstand comparisons

By Beryl Wajsman on June 10, 2010

Vous lirez beaucoup dans ce numéro au sujet de l’héritage de la Révolution tranquille dans notre vie politique, notre place sur la scène internationale, notre économie, nos mœurs sociales et nos arts. Ma réflexion dans cet espace est au sujet de ce que la Révolution tranquille - et l’extraordinaire révolutionnaire tranquille Paul Gérin-Lajoie - peut encore nous enseigner aujourd'hui et demain.

Une révolution bien plus que québécoise

By Mike Medeiros on June 10, 2010

Jan-Lesage.jpgCe mois de juin marque le cinquantième anniversaire de l’élection du premier gouvernement de Jean Lesage. L’importance de cet événement va bien au-delà de la célébration des profonds changements apporter par Jean Lesage, elle signifie le début de la Révolution tranquille. Cette période représente une série de grands changements qu’a subis le Québec. Cette révolution apporta au Québec des transformations radicales sociales, culturelles, politiques, et économiques. Nul ne peut en douter que depuis cinquante ans le Québec a fondamentalement changé.


By Alan Hustak on June 10, 2010

Une collection amusante d’une centaine d’hiboux ornementaux remplit un cabinet dans l’appartement spacieux de Paul Gérin-Lajoie - une centaine d’hiboux en cristal, porcelaine, verre, bronze et argent. Les hiboux, dans toutes les formes et tailles, sont des cadeaux qu’il a reçus au cours des années des amis qui le considèrent un vieil oiseau sage qui, comme un hibou, travail tard, et bat des paupières en reconnaissance tranquille de tout ce qu’il voit.


By Graeme Decarie on June 10, 2010

When Quebec was conquered by the British in 1763, most of its secular leaders – those around the Governor, the military, and many of the wealthy - returned to France. And very reasonably so. Their futures and their connections were in France, not in a British colony. The only French institution remaining was the Roman Catholic Church.

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