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Permis d’espérer

By Pierre K. Malouf on August 21, 2008

Le 29 mars 1999, le GROUPE DE TRAVAIL SUR LA PLACE DE LA RELIGION À L’ÉCOLE formé en 1997 par Pauline Marois et présidé par Jean-Pierre Proulx déposait son rapport devant le ministre François Legault...

Turcot tensions

By Jessica Murphy on August 21, 2008

Forty years ago, Montreal looked to the future. Now, one of the iconic structures of that era—the Turcot Interchange—will be rebuilt, freeing the Turcot Yards for development. The Yards are now one of the largest empty urban spaces in North America. Whatever is built there will have a huge impact on the city...

Ces « poètes » de brousse…

By Louise V. Labrecque on August 21, 2008

Ils parlent tous du contexte… Le contexte dans lequel ils ont grandi, par exemple. « Très jeune, je voulais devenir écrivain », pour reprendre du même souffle : « l’école – c’est-à-dire la société -, ne semblait pas répondre à ce rêve »...

Mark Bruneau—raw

By Dan Delmar on August 21, 2008

It is apparent from the start that Mark Bruneau, who is seeking the Liberal party nomination in the south-west Jeanne-Le Ber riding, is different. And not the kind of “different” that is bandied about by most politicians who want to set themselves apart from so many of their dull and mediocre colleagues. Bruneau, 47, is an eccentric, in-your-face, heavy-set multi-millionaire with razor-sharp wit and, he says, a desire to spend the next quarter-century serving his country. In short, he breaks the mold...

La vision israélienne

By Alain-Michel Ayache on August 21, 2008

Il fallait s’y attendre, la décision du Premier ministre israélien, Ehud Olmert, de démissionner, sonne le glas d’une courte ère aux conséquences néfastes pour l’image de marque d’Israël...

La réaction arabe

By Alain-Michel Ayache on August 21, 2008

Il y a quelques semaines, suite à l’accord conclut avec Israël par l'intermédiaire de la médiation allemande pour libérer les prisonniers libanais et palestiniens des prisons israéliennes en échange des corps des deux soldats israéliens, le Secrétaire général du Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, déclarait publiquement devant des dizaines de milliers de partisans « chose promise, chose due! »...

Why McCain can't let Obama run against Bush

By Prof. Thomas Velk on August 21, 2008

George Bush is not running for President, but Barack Obama is running against him anyway. With every call for change, the charismatic young Senator reminds the electorate that he is not merely anti-Bush, but The Anti-Bush...

Piperberg's World

By Roy Piperberg on August 21, 2008


Artificial Cities

By David T. Jones on August 21, 2008

When diplomats travel, they observe. Usually those observations are of the "foreign" countries to which they are professionally assigned or are encountering for professional reasons. But it can also be interesting--and even self-instructive--to play diplomatic observer in one's own country. Having recently been a first-time visitor to Las Vegas, Nevada; the national parks of Bryce Canyon and Zion, Utah; and Hoover Dam, Nevada, prompted a series of thoughts that might interest far-away Canadians...

Extraordinary ruling in Democracy Watch lobbying challenge

By Duff Conacher on August 21, 2008

In an extraordinary one-line ruling, without giving any reasons, Federal Court of Canada Justice Alan M. Linden recently ordered Democracy Watch to pay $10,000 in advance into court to cover costs it may possibly have to pay in the future to lobbyist Barry Campbell, as a result of Democracy Watch's appeal of the February 2008 Federal Court ruling by Deputy Judge Orville Frenette that legalizes federal registered lobbyists raising money and doing favours for Cabinet ministers they lobby...

The other side of Beijing

By Alidor Aucoin on August 21, 2008

So you thought the opening ceremonies of the Olympic games were as thrilling as they were chilling?..

Ottawa should learn from Québec’s censorship history

By P.A. Sévigny on August 21, 2008

The federal government should take the time to watch Québec journalist Eric Parent’s new film, “Les Ennemis du Cinéma” before letting Canada’s fundamentalist evangelical groups bully him into making a humiliating, and possibly fatal error for his party’s chances in a not-too-distant election...

Nous sommes l’espèce fabulatrice

By Louise V. Labrecque on August 21, 2008

Notre spécialité, notre péjorative, notre manie, notre gloire et notre chute, c’est le pourquoi...

Les Mille Mots: Clear skies over Bejing?

By . on August 7, 2008


Holding China accountable

By Beryl Wajsman on August 7, 2008

Several weeks ago Nazanin Afshin-Jam, the international human rights campaigner, called me up with an idea. She said that though a boycott rally of the Beijing Olympics was fruitless, she thought it was important to make some kind of demonstration for human rights in China on the eve of the Games’ opening...

The ‘killing’ of Justin St-Aubin

By Jessica Murphy on August 7, 2008

Justin Scott St-Aubin  was 25 when he died of a heart attack in the Rivieres des Prairies detention centre in Nov. 2007. The young Montrealer had been held in isolation for five days, never receiving the emergency psychiatric care recommended by two doctors...

Occulter des absurdités

By Vincent Geloso on August 7, 2008

L’été est normalement une saison politique assez calme. Les députés sont rentrés chez eux, les ministres n’annoncent pas de grand projets et le premier ministre fait quelques petites visites ici et là, mais rien de plus...

Les nonos cocasses

By Pierre K. Malouf on August 7, 2008

Loco Locass a causé un certain émoi au dernier spectacle de la Saint-Jean en interprétant, devant un public en délire, Libérez-nous des libéraux, la toune qui constitue à ce jour son plus grand succès. Les patriotes avinés qui assistèrent à cette performance hurlèrent de joie, mais d’autres ressentirent un certain malaise...

The troubles with Turcot

By Jessica Murphy on August 7, 2008

The provincial government has agreed that it will pick up the tab for the new Turcot Interchange. But it's Montrealers who may end up paying the highest price...

Je suis Canadien-Québécois !

By Michel-Wilbrod Bujold on August 7, 2008

e n'ai jamais éprouvé de malaise identitaire.  Mais je jongle depuis longtemps avec la nature complexe de mon identité.  Mes ancêtres viennent de France. Une fois parvenus ici, ils ont voulu former une société distincte : ils étaient fiers de s'appeler les Canadiens...

Omar Khadr and the straining of Canadian virtue

By David T. Jones on August 7, 2008

So Omar Khadr cried. And he wanted his mommy according to much publicized, recently released interrogation transcripts...

Procrustean History

By David Solway on August 7, 2008

The crisis in which the West now finds itself is largely one of its own making and is rooted primarily in the false relation it has entered into with history...

L'humanitaire versus le terrorisme

By Alain-Michel Ayache on August 7, 2008

Deux ans après, presque jour pour jour, le Hezbollah remet les corps des deux soldats israéliens qu'il avait kidnappés lors de son attaque par delà la ligne bleue, en territoire israélien. Une attaque qui avait été à l'origine de la « seconde guerre du Liban » de juillet 2006...

Iran: Time to support existing opposition to Mullah tyranny

By The Hon. David Kilgour on August 7, 2008

The international community appears to be increasingly aware that Iran's theocracy constitutes one of the world's most oppressive governments. It continues to persecute minorities (Arabs, Azeri's, Kurds, Turks, Baha'is, Jews and Christians) and women in a species of gender apartheid (The life of a woman is worth half that of a man in Iran)..

Economic disparity: the elephant in the room

By Dr. Roger Gibbins on August 7, 2008

The provincial and territorial leaders chose a festive location for their recent Council of the Federation meeting as Quebec City celebrates its 400th anniversary. Unfortunately, there was nothing festive about the unrelenting bad economic news that confronted the premiers as stocks fell, inflation rose, and the American slump deepened...

Piperberg's World

By Roy Piperberg on August 7, 2008


Publish or perish

By Ray Doucet on August 7, 2008

Most people I know want to write a book, and almost every one never gets around to it, unable to even write down the opening sentence, constrained by time, work and the brick walls set up by the publishing industry—a self-contained commercial sector that does not abide outsiders or the uninvited...

It really does take a village

By P.A. Sévigny on August 7, 2008

After years of work spent on the cutting edge of the city’s paediatric medicine field, Dr. Gilles Julien and Dr. Nicholas Steinmetz aren’t ready to give up on the children...

The Met does Broadway

By Sharman Yarnell on August 7, 2008

Broadway bound this summer? Consider: A late night walk along Broadway with the neon lights glowing along the streets from 42 Street to Times Square screaming at you, beckoning for you to turn onto them and take in one of the greatest celebrations of the human spirit – the Broadway play...

La tempête a rainswept “Tempest”

By Alidor Aucoin on August 7, 2008

Mother nature provided a thrilling opening at the end of July to the Repercussion Theatre Company’s English language production of The Tempest on Bonsecours Island in the Old Port...

Two by Blue

By Alidor Aucoin on August 7, 2008

“Being Frank”, Ricky Blue’s 70 minute musical cabaret about  a Frank Sinatra wannabe running at Théâtre Lac Brome until July 27, is a breezy, beguiling salute to ol’ blue eyes...

THe Thousand Words: Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe

By . on July 10, 2008


Notre politique linguistique. Une vache sacrée, une bête noire

By Julius Grey on July 10, 2008

Manifestement injuste et exagérée lors de sa promulgation en 1977, la loi 101 a été modifiée et améliorée à tous les niveaux des cours de justice, y compris celles des Nations unies, ainsi que par le législateur...

Morgentaler: It’s about liberty, not libertines

By Beryl Wajsman on July 10, 2008

French social critic Hervé Juvin's book “L'avènement du corps” (The Elevation of the Body), argues that our ability to live longer has seen the birth of the hedonism of self-preservation replacing the hedonism of self-indulgence...

Why Harper got it right on McCain

By David T. Jones on July 10, 2008

Cynics are inclined to conclude that a government that makes the right decision is akin to the proverbial blind pig finding an acorn. But such pigs do find acorns and, in the instance of the decision by the Harper government to see Senator John McCain during his June 20 visit to Ottawa, the Tories got it right...

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