La Fonderie Darling: un espace de création unique
By Louise V. Labrecque on November 13, 2008
« Il n’y a pas plus québécois qu’un Québécois ! » Voici une maxime résumant à elle seule un type de québécitude bête à pleurer, un complexe en somme. De ce genre de cliché, de préjugé, de formule toute faite, impossible de ne pas faire matière à réflexion lorsque l’on visite la Fonderie Darling, nichée au cœur du Faubourg des Récollets, dans le « Quartier Éphémère ». Par sa mission, cet endroit étonnant oblige à sortir de soi et des sentiers battus, pour entrer de tout son long dans l’Autre, dans ses différences et complexités...
Concordia’s Place Norman Bethune finally taking shape
By P.A. Sévigny on October 30, 2008
After years of discussion, assorted arguments, endless urban planning and a lot of construction, a statue raised to honor the memory of Dr. Norman Bethune, a hero of the Chinese revolution, will be located at the heart of one of the city’s more successful urban design projects...
Robert Latimer, prisonnier politique
By Michel-Wilbrod Bujold on October 30, 2008
Après deux procès, deux appels et un dernier appel devant la Cour suprême, après sept années d’incarcération, Robert Latimer reste convaincu que ses derniers juges l’ont injustement condamné. Il réclame un nouveau procès. Il soutient toujours avoir agi pour soulager les douleurs de sa fill, dont l’état ne cessait d’empirer sans qu’il soit possible de lui administrer une médication anti-douleurs...
Un peu de dignité SVP !
By Louise V. Labrecque on October 30, 2008
C’était un soir d’automne, un jeudi soir qui aurait pu être banal. Je marchais en direction du théâtre St-Denis. J’étais en avance au rendez-vous, un concert-bénéfice de la Fondation Garceau fondée par Brigitte Garceau et l’Institut des affaires publiques de Beryl Wajsman, venant en aide aux démunis, notamment des enfants...
Local youth learn about global responsibility
By Isaak Olson on October 30, 2008
Hundreds of young voices became one, filling the air with hope and dreams of change: "We can make a difference,” they chanted. “We have a global responsibility! We can make a difference!"..
Cassandra’s Lilacs succeeds in “gentling the condition”
By Beryl Wajsman on October 16, 2008
Some 600 people came to the Théatre St-Denis Thursday, October 2 and took part in a unique celebration of community activism and community solutions. It was the Garceau Foundation’s first major benefit called Cassandra’s Lilacs, The “Gentle the Condition” Concert. Put on in co-operation with the Institute for Public Affairs of Montreal, the concert was a rare multi-artist and multi-charity event...
Kirpans and Political Correctness
By David T. Jones on October 16, 2008
A kirpan is a kirpan is … a knife. A kirpan wrapped up and under the clothing of the owner is … a concealed weapon.,,
Decorated restaurateur spotlighted for extending a helping hand
By Dan Delmar on October 2, 2008
When the owner of a chic Parisian bistro hired Jean Lafleur, convicted in the wake of the sponsorship inquiry, to work as a sous-chef, he never imagined that his face would be plastered on the front cover of the Journal de Montréal shortly thereafter...
Réflexion sur le sévice qui vient
By Esther Delisle on October 2, 2008
Cette réflexion a été impulsée par le philosophe André Comte-Sponville avec un livre du même titre. Le bouquin encore très jeune (2004) construit une perception de la responsabilité dans notre système économique. Avec la crise économique qui sévit, il semble actuel de réviser ce moralisme qu’entend entretenir le capitalisme d’aujourd’hui, son système et son idéologie...
Inspectors wreak havoc on fromageries
By Dan Delmar on September 18, 2008
The province’s food inspection agency is in the midst of a zealous, unprecedented raid on Quebec cheese shops. Their mission: To seek and destroy any piece of cheese that has had even the most harmless flirtation with the sometimes harmful Listeria bacteria...
Stars give of themselves for “Cassandra’s Lilacs” concert
By Beryl Wajsman on September 18, 2008
Jazz great Ranée Lee is the latest performer to join the star-studded line-up for the “Cassandra`s Lilacs” Gentle the Condition concert to be held Oct. 2 at 7.30 p.m. at Théâtre St. Denis. The concert is being staged by the Garceau Foundation in co-operation with the Institute for Public Affairs of Montreal...
L’affaire n’est pas tout à fait hockey : Deuxième période
By Michel-Wilbrod Bujold on September 18, 2008
Les irresponsables de la Ligue de Hockey Junior Majeur du Québec font encore face à tout un défi : comment rendre moins évident que des brutes en habits et cravates doivent amener des délinquants en chandails à numéros à manquer de respect à leurs adversaires pour maintenir à tout prix cette «volonté de gagner»...
Bristol Palin: walking lesson in sex education
By Dr. Laurie Betito on September 18, 2008
Becoming a grandmother at the age of 44 and watching your teenage daughter bring an unplanned pregnancy to term is no cause for celebration. But that’s exactly how Sarah Palin, John McCain and the Republicans are reacting to this unfortunate turn of events; they’re treating it as the joyful beginnings of a young, Christian family. Are they in denial or blinded by religious fanaticism or both?..
The running mate is fear
By David T. Jones on September 4, 2008
Earlier in the campaign season, once Democrats and Republicans identified their presidential candidates, respectively Senators Obama and McCain, the next question for the chatterers was "Who will be the Veep (Vice President)."..
The weekend to end modesty
By Dan Delmar on September 4, 2008
Everything about the recent Weekend to End Breast Cancer is over the top. Judging solely based on the millions of dollars raised, one could come to the conclusion that the adage ‘bigger is better’ should be applied to charity. But when a supposedly selfless deed is flaunted in front of an entire city and turned into an exercise of corporate and self-promotion, what’s left is a sad commentary on just how selfish we’ve become...
Artificial Cities
By David T. Jones on August 21, 2008
When diplomats travel, they observe. Usually those observations are of the "foreign" countries to which they are professionally assigned or are encountering for professional reasons. But it can also be interesting--and even self-instructive--to play diplomatic observer in one's own country. Having recently been a first-time visitor to Las Vegas, Nevada; the national parks of Bryce Canyon and Zion, Utah; and Hoover Dam, Nevada, prompted a series of thoughts that might interest far-away Canadians...
Extraordinary ruling in Democracy Watch lobbying challenge
By Duff Conacher on August 21, 2008
In an extraordinary one-line ruling, without giving any reasons, Federal Court of Canada Justice Alan M. Linden recently ordered Democracy Watch to pay $10,000 in advance into court to cover costs it may possibly have to pay in the future to lobbyist Barry Campbell, as a result of Democracy Watch's appeal of the February 2008 Federal Court ruling by Deputy Judge Orville Frenette that legalizes federal registered lobbyists raising money and doing favours for Cabinet ministers they lobby...
Publish or perish
By Ray Doucet on August 7, 2008
Most people I know want to write a book, and almost every one never gets around to it, unable to even write down the opening sentence, constrained by time, work and the brick walls set up by the publishing industry—a self-contained commercial sector that does not abide outsiders or the uninvited...
It really does take a village
By P.A. Sévigny on August 7, 2008
After years of work spent on the cutting edge of the city’s paediatric medicine field, Dr. Gilles Julien and Dr. Nicholas Steinmetz aren’t ready to give up on the children...
Nationalisme et sclérose culturelle
By Vincent Geloso on July 10, 2008
En cette terre d’Amérique, être francophone d’expression revient à être dans la minorité et cela représente un euphémisme. De descendance majoritairement catholique, nous sommes un peu moins minoritaire en Amérique du Nord mais nous demeurons tout de même minoritaire. Face à la culture anglo-saxone, nous sommes définitivement un îlot de différence dans une mer de soi-disant conformité...
L’affare n’est pas tout à fait hockey
By Michel-Wilbrod Bujold on June 26, 2008
La Ministre Courchesne perd son temps et gaspille nos argents avec sa croisade qui vise à interdire «les bagarres» au hockey junior. Si, au moins, elle avait l’ambition de régler, à ce niveau, le problème de « la violence au hockey »…
First stop
By Jessica Murphy on June 26, 2008
On a late sunny May afternoon, Henri-Charles Baudot sat in Place Émilie-Gamelin, wrapped in a scarf to recover from a spring cold, and spoke about his experiences helping vulnerable people in the area...
Mauvais diagnostic, funeste ordonnance
By Philip Stevens on June 26, 2008
Les médecins étant réputés pour être des gens sérieux et sensés, on les écoute attentivement lorsqu’ils nous prodiguent leurs conseils...
Gilles Proulx!
By Dan Delmar on June 26, 2008
“Je suis vieux. Après 46 ans, ca me fatigue. J’ai des problemes de surdité et je n’ai plus d’énergie,” Gilles Proulx began as he prepared for last Friday’s edition of Le Journal du Midi on Montreal’s francophone powerhouse talk station, 98.5 FM. “À 68 ans, j’ai dépassé largement la plupart des carrières à la radio, qui durent en moyenne de 10 à 12 ans.”..
Women protest global sex trade
By P.A. Sévigny on June 26, 2008
As Formula-One festivities were taking over the streets in the downtown core, a small but determined group of women stood their ground against the passing crowds on the corner of Montreal’s party central- Crescent and Ste. Catherine Street. While the women, all dressed in solid black, stood out among the crowds, they still managed to convince hundreds of people to sign their petition and to send signed postcards to Prime Minister Stephen Harper asking him to do something about the globe’s flourishing trade in human flesh...
Philly, the American Montreal
By Graham Dodds on June 12, 2008
As a lifetime Philadelphian who moved to Montreal three years ago, I watched the Canadiens-Flyers NHL playoff series with mixed emotions, torn between my childhood hometown and my adopted home. Hockey fans in both cities heartily booed each other and ridiculed their opposing partisans, but with my split loyalty, I’ve been struck by just how much the two cities have in common...
Éducation : pour aider les parents
By Mathieu Laberge on June 12, 2008
Il y a quelques jours, Le Journal de Montréal et Le Journal de Québec ont publié sous forme de classement des données relatives au taux de décrochage des écoles secondaires du Québec. On ne peut que saluer l’intérêt que portent ces deux grands quotidiens à la réussite des élèves, dans la mesure où il s’agit d’aider les parents en leur fournissant suffisamment d’informations pour qu’ils puissent faire un choix éclairé quant à l’école que fréquenteront leurs enfants...
Black-focus school debate arrives in Montreal
By Jessica Murphy on June 12, 2008
The black-focus school debate that created a stir in Ontario last year has made its way to Montreal...
Mission’s Pearce looks to the future
By Isaak Olson on May 29, 2008
Maybe he lost his factory job of 20 years because the company took its business overseas. Maybe she’s addicted to gambling, alcohol or drugs. Maybe his wife was killed by a drunk driver and he never recovered from the loss. Maybe it’s a mental illness, a chronic sickness or just a lack of the right social tools that keep most of us on our feet in today’s fast paced world...
Will gentrification threaten Mile-End artists?
By Jessica Murphy on May 29, 2008
Mile-End is red-hot. But while the City has been vocal about protecting Mile End artists from the inevitable affects of the gentrification that follows them, it lacks any real plan to protect them...
Discussion isn’t dead
By Dan Delmar on May 29, 2008
It’s hard to find good conversation these days. Who has time to talk about important issues in our communities when we’re drained at the end of the day from working longer hours for less pay? Kids, bills, chores…and American Idol is on, too...
By Barbara Kay on May 1, 2008
In its earliest and most benign form —the political campaign to achieve equality under the law and equality in economic opportunities— feminism was a necessary and welcome reform movement. No rational person could be less than delighted to see barriers to a full range of educational and career options for women fall by the wayside...