I had the great, good fortune to meet Diana and David long before they started the Wednesday Night Salon. I already knew they were very special people. The salon started... I have many fond memories of great sessions and meeting a broad, cross-section of incredible people! Then political events intervened, The Montreal Star, where I toiled, died... I went to Toronto and subsequently to Vancouver. Fortunately, I travelled a fair bit and would drop in on Wednesday nights whenever I could. I was constantly amazed at the parade of luminaries and intellectuals who came through the door at 33 Rosemount. I think if Queen Elizabeth II had walked in, I would not have been too, too surprised. The truly amazing part of all this is that Diana and David managed to revive an anachronistic practice and make it relevant to the modern world. Having lived in Halifax, Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver, I believe it could not have happened anywhere else in Canada.
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