Auteurs > Julius Grey
Julius Grey
Alan Borovoy: Permanent liberty is the ultimate value
Par Julius Grey le 14 mai 2015
The death of Allan Borovoy deprives Canada of a unique voice speaking in favour of liberty, but without the constraints of political correctness.
The human rights industry in Canada has often shown undue deference to fashionable causes, whatever they might be for the moment. Allan Borovoy, long-time president of the Canadian Civil Liberties Association, never let himself be swayed by fashion. As a lawyer, writer and activist, he put individual liberty first and in particular defended freedom of expression, which is always under attack. Unfortunately, Canadian human rights activists are all in favour of freedom of expression, but not when their favourite cause is at issue.
Notre politique linguistique: Une vache sacrée, une bête noire (DATE DE PARUTION 10 JUILLET 2008)
Par Julius Grey le 18 juin 2009
Manifestement injuste et exagérée lors de sa promulgation en 1977, la loi 101 a été modifiée et améliorée à tous les niveaux des cours de justice, y compris celles des Nations unies, ainsi que par le législateur. Devant la nécessité inébranlable de protéger et de promouvoir la langue française, et le besoin aussi impérieux de respecter les limites de la démocratie libérale et de préserver une place honorable pour la partie anglaise de notre héritage, cette loi, telle qu’amendée, constitue un compromis raisonnable, même si on peut continuer à discuter de certains détails et de son application...
Sovereign individuals (DATE DE PARUTION 1 MAI 2008)
Par Julius Grey le 18 juin 2009
John Peter Humphrey lived a public life showered with honors, including a Canadian postage stamp in his name. But his private life was full of trials and tribulations. His parents died early, he lost an arm in a fire during childhood, and his first wife, to whom he was deeply attached, was a semi-invalid most of her life. His career, which now appears dazzling, also had many ups and downs...
On Quebec and identity
Par Julius Grey le 26 février 2009
Voices have been heard again in Montreal’s English Community calling for action if the Quebec government tries to overturn a successful Bill 104 challenge through use of the “notwithstanding clause”. At the same time, criticism has been leveled against Quebec Ministers Kathleen Weil and Yolande James for not insisting more on the protection of English identity. A new round of English complaints is unjustified, whatever happens to Bill 104, and the two ministers are clearly right in rejecting an exclusive English identity...
Notre politique linguistique. Une vache sacrée, une bête noire
Par Julius Grey le 10 juillet 2008
Manifestement injuste et exagérée lors de sa promulgation en 1977, la loi 101 a été modifiée et améliorée à tous les niveaux des cours de justice, y compris celles des Nations unies, ainsi que par le législateur...
Sovereign individuals
Par Julius Grey le 1 mai 2008
John Peter Humphrey lived a public life showered with honors, including a Canadian postage stamp in his name. But his private life was full of trials and tribulations. His parents died early, he lost an arm in a fire during childhood, and his first wife, to whom he was deeply attached, was a semi-invalid most of her life. His career, which now appears dazzling, also had many ups and downs...