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The other side of Beijing (DATE DE PARUTION 21 AOÛT 2008)

By Alidor Aucoin on June 18, 2009

So you thought the opening ceremonies of the Olympic games were as thrilling as they were chilling?...

To rouse the world from fear (DATE DE PARUTION 27 NOVEMBRE 2008)

By Beryl Wajsman on June 18, 2009

Saturday was the 45th anniversary of the assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy. That tragedy haunts us still. In many ways and at all times. The writer Mary McGrory said on that day that we shall never smile again. Daniel Patrick Moynihan answered no, we may smile again, but we’ll never be young again. For many it was the day hope died...

Ideas before identities (DATE DE PARUTION 4 SEPTEMBRE 2008)

By Anthony Philbin on June 18, 2009

Who among us, I wonder, didn’t feel something akin to goose bumps as the reality of Barack Obama’s acceptance of the Democratic nomination for President settled in upon them last week. One moment we were in the midst of just another U.S. presidential campaign, admiring yet another over-packaged, albeit ‘well-cadenced’ politician, and the next we were witnessing nothing short of the embodiment of Martin Luther King’s triumphant vision of justice and equality in America...

Remembering Bobby (DATE DE PARUTION 29 MAI 2008)

By John Parisella on June 18, 2009

He was not a great speaker and he occasionally stammered in public, yet he moved millions with his words. His record as Attorney General of the United States during the Kennedy Administration was considered mixed, yet he is remembered for his courage and his integrity. As Senator from the state of New York, he had few achievements, yet he towered over his colleagues as a beacon of hope and the keeper of JFK flame of idealism. As we approach the fortieth commemoration of his assassination in the midst of a quest for the Presidency of the United States, Robert Kennedy is remembered as the last great authentic politician of his time. Some would venture to add, no one has since matched his promise and his inspiration...

Days that sear our souls (DATE DE PARUTION 15 JANVIER 2009)

By Beryl Wajsman on June 18, 2009

It is a period that reminds us of those historical encounters between governors and governed, when every act of the authorities exasperates the people and every refusal to act excites their contempt. A period of 12 days that should rend our souls asunder with searing intensity and pierce our hearts with rape-like violation. A period that begins with a date held sacred to all those of conscience who engage in the struggle for mankind’s transcendent yearning for redemptive change...

Nous sommes tous des femmes afghanes (DATE DE PARUTION 6 MAI 2009)

By Pierre K. Malouf on June 18, 2009

Je l’ai dit dans un précédent article, Obama vient de le confirmer, on ne le répétera jamais assez : si les attentats du World Trade Center n’avaient eu lieu, ni les États-Unis, ni le Canada, ni aucun pays occidental ne seraient intervenus militairement en Afghanistan.  Ce qui se passe actuellement, ce sont les Talibans qui l’ont provoqué naguère en s’alliant à Ben Laden.  L’Afghanistan des Talibans était pour Al-Qaïda une base de lancement pour ses attentats.  Mettons-nous ça dans la tête : ce qui se passe  en 2009 est la conséquence directe de ce qui s’est passé en 2001...

“Enemies of equality” (DATE DE PARUTION 6 MAI 2009)

By Dan Delmar on June 18, 2009

islamism-talk.jpgDjemila Benhabib, author of Ma vie à contre-Coran, spoke to a group of roughly 50 last week at a Côte des Neiges bookstore. Describing herself as an ordinary woman having experienced extraordinary hardships, she told the audience of her family’s persecution in Syria and the constant threats that came from religious fanatics that forced them to leave the country in the early 1990s. The title of her book refers to the battle she fought as a child and teenager against Islamist indoctrination in her homeland and the threat it now poses to the West.

À contre-Coran (DATE DE PARUTION 9 AVRIL 2009)

By Louise V. Labrecque on June 18, 2009

Comme on l’a vu durant les audiences de la commission Bouchard-Taylor,  plusieurs bien-pensants considèrent que notre société démocratique devrait se plier à toutes les revendications faites au nom de l’Islam.  C’en était trop pour Djemila Benhabib qui, dans l’éclairant ouvrage qu’elle vient de lancer, critique notamment le fait que, dans leur rapport, les commissaires Gérard Bouchard et Charles Taylor ont complètement négligé de faire la distinction entre « musulmans » et « islamistes », ces derniers étant de la graine de fanatiques et ne constituant, de ce fait, qu’une infime minorité parmi les immigrants de religion musulmane...

Les femmes trahies (DATE DE PARUTION 28 MAI 2009)

By Djemila Benhabib on June 18, 2009

Fortement épaulée par des représentantes du Conseil islamique canadien et de Présence musulmane, la Fédération des femmes du Québec (FFQ) a adopté une résolution banalisant le port du voile islamique dans les institutions publiques québécoises, lors d’une assemblée générale spéciale qui s’est déroulée à l’université Laval, le 9 mai dernier, et à laquelle j’ai assisté en qualité d’observatrice.  Il y a des alliances et des prises de position qui minent les principes...

“We are a testament to their failures” (DATE DE PARUTION 16 OCTOBRE 2008)

By Dan Delmar on June 18, 2009

Three Canadian Muslims took a stand earlier this month against the extremist branches of their religion and appealed for Quebecers to stand up for their secular values. Speakers Tarek Fatah, Raheel Raza and Salim Mansur all share the dubious distinction of being the subject of a Fatwah, an Islamist bounty on their heads, for having spoken out against extremists. What they also have in common is their fearlessness, their perseverance and their willingness to wear the Fatwah as a badge of honour..

They don’t even pretend anymore (DATE DE PARUTION 6 MAI 2009)

By Beryl Wajsman on June 18, 2009

Though we can’t be surprised anymore, we still need to condemn. The World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance, commonly called Durban 2, concluded recently in Geneva. Durban I, eight years ago, at least had the veneer of civility however quickly disabused by the contents. This year’s incarnation didn’t even pretend. How could it? Two gangster regimes — Iran and Libya — co-chaired and co-organized it. The result was as anticipated. But the date was filled with pathos..

A letter to Delara (DATE DE PARUTION 6 MAI 2009)

By Nazanin Afshin-Jam on June 18, 2009

On May 1st 2009, artist Delara Darabi was executed in the Islamic Republic of Iran after spending almost six years in prison for an alleged offence committed at age 17. She maintained her innocence up until the very end. I am at a loss for words. My heart is empty and my tears are flowing...

La barbe des barbus (DATE DE PARUTION 10 JUILLET 2008)

By Pierre K. Malouf on June 18, 2009

Richard Martineau, le 7 juin, sur le hidjab : « Comme on pouvait le prévoir, l’ineffable Françoise David, ex-féministe qui fait maintenant des courbettes devant les extrémistes religieux (du moins, ceux qui ne sont pas d’obédience catholique, « ouverture » envers les autres communautés oblige), Mme David, donc, applaudit la décision des augustes commissaires à quatre mains [sic]. »

L’avocat du «Diable» (DATE DE PARUTION 27 NOVEMBRE 2008)

By Alain-Michel Ayache on June 18, 2009

Après Maher Arar, c’est au tour de trois autres musulmans… canadiens, Ahmad el-Maati, Muayyed Nureddin et Abdullah Almalki de réclamer des dommages et intérêts au gouvernement du Canada pour des crimes commis contre leurs personnes par des pays dont ils sont originaires, tel la Syrie et l’Égypte.  Ce qui est regrettable, c’est que le contribuable canadien se voit désormais obligé de payer la facture à la place des dictatures du Proche et du Moyen-Orient, tout cela à cause d’un précédent créé par l’affaire Arar!

The Israel ‘Apartheid’ lies (DATE DE PARUTION 19 MARS 2009)

By Beryl Wajsman on June 18, 2009

Recently we witnessed the fifth Israel Apartheid Week manifestations. In cities from Oxford to New York to Montreal we saw the usual collection of Islamist apologists and their fellow-travelers in academic, political and diplomatic circles. These events sought to portray Israel as an apartheid-era South Africa in relation to its Arab citizens...

Global Antisemitism: Assault on Human Rights (DATE DE PARUTION 26 FÉVRIER 2009)

By l'Hon. Irwin Cotler on June 18, 2009

Keynote Address by the Honourable Irwin Cotler at the founding conference of the Inter-parliamentary Coalition for Combating Antisemitism (ICCA) Professor Cotler is the co-founder of ICCA with UK MP John Mann. He is the former Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada and is the Liberal MP for the Montreal riding of Mount Royal.

Le combat d’Israël pour sa survie, c’est aussi notre combat (DATE DE PARUTION 15 JANVIER 2009)

By Jacques Brassard on June 18, 2009

Pendant quelques instants, envisagez la situation suivante : à partir de Larouche et de St-Bruno, une organisation terroriste lance sur Alma, quotidiennement, des dizaines de roquettes et de missiles et cela, pendant des années. Et ces engins meurtriers sont tirés à l'aveuglette. Ils peuvent tomber n'importe où : sur un centre d'achat, sur une école, sur des résidences, sur une église. N'importe où! Les citoyens d'Alma, vivant dans l'angoisse, sont sans cesse sur le qui-vive, ne disposant que de quelques secondes pour se terrer dans des abris...

Israel n'a pas le choix (DATE DE PARUTION 15 JANVIER 2009)

By Germain Belzile on June 18, 2009

Quelque 7000 obus de mortiers et roquettes tirés sur le territoire d'Israël depuis 2001. Des dizaines de milliers de civils israéliens ciblés par des attaques quotidiennes. Les alertes plus que quotidiennes qui terrorisent les enfants dans leurs écoles et leurs garderies. Quel gouvernement peut tolérer cela ? Depuis sept ans, les brigades d'Al-Aqsa (branche du Fatah), le Djihad islamique et le Hamas se sont armés pour atteindre leur but : détruire l'État d'Israël...

Lettre à Gaza...(DATE DE PARUTION 15 JANVIER 2009)

By Alain-Michel Ayache on June 18, 2009

Pauvre Proche-Orient ! Pauvre Gaza ! Pauvres Palestiniens ! Pauvre peuple en perdition… Comme si le destin continue de s’acharner contre toi pour faire parvenir un message à l’ensemble des pays de la région, et particulièrement à tes « frères » arabes. Qu’à l’instar des leurs, tu ne représentes aux yeux de tes chefs qu’une monnaie d’échange, pire encore, une denrée périssable dont on peut s’en passer… quand tu ne sers pas tout simplement de chair à canon !

Israel is disproportionate.Disproportionately restrained. (DATE DE PARUTION 15 JANVIER 2009)

By David Solway on June 18, 2009

The recent outbreak of hostilities between Israel and Hamas should give us an opportunity to reflect, once again, not only on the current belligerents, but on the role of the obligatory third party to the conflict. I refer to the ground troops of the armies of the liberal-left, aka the Western media, who inevitably tilt the balance of the war they are “covering” in favor of their confederates or, what amounts to the same thing, against the side they reprove. Thus, from the media’s squint-eyed parallax, Hamas is more sinned against than sinning and Israel is either wholly, largely or, at best, equally responsible for the “renewal” of violence in the region...

Kristallnacht: Seventy years later (DATE DE PARUTION 13 NOVEMBRE 2008)

By The Hon. David Kilgour on June 18, 2009

It is a challenge to address the stark issues posed by the 70th anniversary of Kristallnacht. One difficulty is that too many in my own spiritual community (Christian) stood by during the worst catastrophe in all of recorded history.There were exceptions-some famous, some virtually unknown—but most Christians in Europe and elsewhere, including Canada, did not do enough to love and care for our Jewish neighbours as ourselves. Another is drawing two effective lessons from the Holocaust of practical use today in Canada and elsewhere...

L’humanitaire versus le terrorisme (DATE DE PARUTION 7 AOÛT 2008)

By Alain-Michel Ayache on June 18, 2009

Deux ans après, presque jour pour jour, le Hezbollah remet les corps des deux soldats israéliens qu’il avait kidnappés lors de son attaque par delà la ligne bleue, en territoire israélien. Une attaque qui avait été à l’origine de la « seconde guerre du Liban » de juillet 2006. Aujourd’hui, les tractations entre le Hezbollah et Israël à travers la médiation allemande, a permis aux Israéliens de rapatrier enfin ces deux corps, en échange d’un grand gain pour le Hezbollah.

Jamais plus! La génocide: soixante ans, trois leçons (DATE DE PARUTION 10 JUILLET 2008)

By l'Hon. Irwin Cotler on June 18, 2009

Cette année c’est la soixantième anniversaire de l’adoption de deux instruments cruciaux dans notre histoire, soit la Convention pour la prévention et la répression du crime de génocide (la « Convention sur le génocide »)—connue comme la Convention « plus jamais »—et la Déclaration universelle des droits de la personne—reconnue comme étant la « magna carta » de l’humanité...

Les réalités propres à Israël (DATE DE PARUTION 10 JUILLET 2008)

By Jean Ouellette on June 18, 2009

À vingt-quatre heures d’intervalle, au son lugubre des mêmes sirènes qui annoncent la chute probable d’un missile ennemi, les Israéliens, à onze heures du matin, et dans tout le pays, se mettent au garde-à-vous et observent deux minutes de silence. La première alarme marque  le souvenir des soldats tombés au combat. La seconde alarme sonne la fin du deuil et le début des réjouissances qui accompagneront, cette année, le soixantième anniversaire d’Israël. Sans transition, comme pour souligner comment la mort et la vie se succèdent d’une génération à l’autre. Une semaine plus tôt, la même sirène avait annoncé le rappelle de la Shoah. L’âme de toute une nation s’exprime dans ce rituel qui interrompt, l’espace d’un moment, le bourdonnement de la vie au quotidien...

Québec and Israel (DATE DE PARUTION 15 MAI 2008)

By Beryl Wajsman on June 18, 2009

Yesterday, the 14th of May, was the 60th anniversary of the independence of the State of Israel. Last week, some 15,000 Montrealers marched downtown to celebrate that event on its date on the Jewish calendar. They were not all Jews. They were from many different religious, creeds and races. What brought them together was a fidelity to the struggle of a small, lone democracy surrounded by a sea of tyranny to remain free. The frontline nation in the family of free nations facing an existential threat from Islamist fundamentalism as dangerous as any other ism western civilization has faced in the past one hundred years. This event should have a special resonation for all Quebecers. Because the best of our institutional memory makes us understand the price of liberty better than many...

Why anti-semitism persists (DATE DE PARUTION 6 MAI 2009)

By David Solway on June 18, 2009

In his 1995 book [1] Assimilation and Its Discontents, Israeli political historian and prolific author Barry Rubin speaks of a time when “anti-Semitism became too minimal to inspire fear or defiance.” Indeed, for both the Israeli sabra and the diaspora Jew, particularly in America, “anti-Semitism’s rout and the acquisition of equality … raises the question of what to do next.” Only a little more than a decade has passed since Rubin wrote those lines but the “question of what to do next” has taken on a completely different complexion. For once again anti-Semitism has returned with a vengeance...

Hate in the streets (DATE DE PARUTION 15 JANVIER 2009)

By Beryl Wajsman on June 18, 2009

 It was the images as much as the issues that got to you. You couldn’t intellectualize in your own mind what you were seeing. You wanted to ask the demonstrators questions. You wanted to ask why they are not protesting the Hamas murder of some 20,000 opponents in Gaza. You wanted to ask them why they had never protested the murders of thousands, tens of thousands and even hundreds of thousands of Muslims by fellow Muslims in Chechnya, in Iraq, in Somalia and in Darfur...

Stimulate this! (DATE DE PARUTION 5 FÉVRIER 2009)

By Beryl Wajsman on June 18, 2009

The current frenzy of economic stimulus packages sweeping around us like so many forest fires will not — and more importantly, should not — work. The reasons are threefold. First, they are stimulating the perpetuation of a false economy that has caused nightmares for tens of millions. Second, the packages are based on outdated Depression-era models without taking into consideration today’s much different realities. And third, they provide insufficient protection to get people through the tough three to seven years that are to come...

Is debt the new slavery? (DATE DE PARUTION 15 MAI 2008)

By Anthony Philbin on June 18, 2009

The principles by which all western financial institutions are currently operated permit them to loan vast sums of money that they don’tactually have. This disconnect between reality and currency is a necessary evil if you posit that a growing economy is a healthy economy, but when the rules that control just how much the banks can pull out of their magic hats become lax or under-applied, there are some very real implications both for the health of society and the freedom of its borrowers...

Government’s misguided attempt to end the economic cycle (DATE DE PARUTION 13 NOVEMBRE 2008)

By Robert Presser on June 18, 2009

Late last week, General Motors and Ford announced a combined third quarter loss of $7.2 billion US.  In other years, this would be considered catastrophic as an annual loss figure, but in the current economic context it was expected since new car purchasing in the US has fallen to a 25 year low with no sign of immediate recovery.  GM has put its potential acquisition of Chrysler on hold and now all three major US automakers are appealing to the US government for $25 billion in low interest loans on top of the $25 billion handout they were previously offered for retooling their product lines...

La relance économique ne passe pas par l’État (DATE DE PARUTION 18 DÉCEMBRE 2008)

By Jean-François Minardi on June 18, 2009

Le modèle québécois donne depuis un certain temps déjà des signes d’essoufflement. Ces problèmes sont aujourd’hui comme hier : un État trop interventionniste, une fiscalité trop lourde et une législation du travail qui fait obstacle à l’embauche de travailleurs jeunes et talentueux...

Letter from the publisher: Montreal: time for a new agenda

By Beryl Wajsman on May 28, 2009

bela.jpgWhen we crawled out of the mists of the jungles of history to create communities – villages, the origin of cities - it was not out of what  today’s politically correct zeitgeist would consider a noble purpose. It was done out of selfishness. As it happens, one of mankind’s more creative instincts if husbanded properly.  We realized we could protect ourselves better against the wolves of the forests if we acted together. Defense was the primary motivation for the organization of the community. The word for that organization in Greek is polis. The origin of our modern day “politics” and “policing”. But it was not the sort of policing we have come to suffer through today...

Les héritiers de Mgr Desranleau

By Pierre K. Malouf on May 28, 2009

Amir Khadir et Françoise David prétendent, après bien d’autres, nous faire dépasser le capitalisme.  Le dépasser pour aller nous écraser contre un platane ?  Qu’appellent-ils « capitalisme » ?  Les fautes reprochées au capitalisme, comme la pollution, ne sont-elles pas présentes dans toutes les sociétés industrielles, y compris les sociétés socialistes ?  Méfiant, je n’ai pas oublié que les solutions proposées et pratiquées depuis un siècle par les ennemis du capitalisme ont toutes échoué.

Battle lines drawn on Turcot

By Jessica Murphy on May 28, 2009

The battle lines have been drawn over the Turcot Interchange redevelopment project between a government that wants a new highway and Montrealers who seek a cleaner, greener version of their city. Residents turning out for the Bureau d’audiences publiques sur l’environnement hearings on the Turcot Interchange redevelopment plan. For the most part, they agreed something must be done for the decades-old structure crumbling under the weight of hundreds of thousands of vehicles each week. But they don’t believe a few trees make a project green...

Citizen demonization continues

By Dan Delmar on May 28, 2009

Woman detained, fined for poor escalator etiquette

Having spent her formative years in the former Soviet republic of Georgia, Bela Kosoian knows what it’s like for government to encroach on personal liberties. The manner in which she says she was treated inside a Laval Metro station would make even the most hardened Stalinist blush...

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