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Multiculturalism questioned at fiery Fraser debate

By P.A. Sévigny on December 3, 2009

fraserinstituteprksfly_resize.jpgThe recent debate on the merits of Canadian multiculturalism between secular firebrand Djemila Benhabib and Montreal civil rights lawyer Julius Grey began to get personal after Benhabib accused the Canadian government of moral and intellectual cowardice. Hosted by the Fraser Institute at Peel Street’s Café Ferreira, an erudite crowd full of assorted academics and civil servants were especially eager to hear what Benhabib had to say about the province’s ongoing multiculturalism debate. Even as she read off a prepared text, Benhabib continued to insist responsible governments (especially those in the west) must continue to stick to their secular guns.

The kids will be alright!

By Dan Delmar on December 3, 2009

There seems to be only one issue that unites politicians of all colours and creeds. It became painfully obvious how omnipresent this theme was as I had the painstaking task of interviewing dozens of candidates – some competent, some not – vying for city council seats leading up to last month’s election. In order to be considered as a credible politician, it appears as though one has to make the supposed plight of children a focal point in a campaign. More specifically, how to protect our little tykes from speeders, drug dealers, pedophiles and a myriad of dangers that lurk around every corner.

Le Monde de Piperberg

By Roy Piperberg on December 3, 2009



A refreshing, educated Rita

By Alidor Aucoin on December 3, 2009

EDUCATINGRITA.jpgTaking a cue from last year’s successful Centaur Theatre production of Willy Russell’s crowd pleasing Shirley Valentine, The Segal Centre at the Saidye has countered with an invigorating production of the author’s one other popular play, Educating Rita.

Le monde est un théâtre. Agir!

By Annabel Soutar on December 3, 2009

Par un soir de novembre en 1998, je me trouvais dans un bar du Lac Saint-Jean avec mon mari Alex Ivanovici. Sur les écrans géants, on diffusait un combat de boxe : un anglophone affrontait un francophone. C’était un bar un peu rude, dans un bastion souverainiste; en tant que Montréalaise bilingue mais résolument anglophone, j’avoue m’être sentie nerveuse. Je voulais partir au plus vite. Mais, de retour à notre gîte, nous étions songeurs. Qu’est-ce qui nous faisait si peur? La tension politique dans le bar? Le risque d’avoir à débattre, que les choses dégénèrent?

La réalité des choses

By Louise V. Labrecque on December 3, 2009

Réfléchir à l’émergence des préoccupations culturelles dans l’arène publique, voilà ce que propose l’auteur Simon Brault avec son livre FACTEUR C.  Dans ce vibrant plaidoyer pour « la culture pour tous », l’auteur interpelle tant les artistes, les entreprises culturelles, les gens d’affaires, les journalistes, les politiciens, que l’ensemble des citoyens, afin de réfléchir tous ensemble à l’importance de la culture...

They handcuffed my son for reasons unknown

By Jack Locke on November 4, 2009

handcuffs-bw_resize.jpgThey handcuffed my son for reasons unknown
Forced him down onto stone-cold ground
The boy's still a boy, but boy, has he grown.

Pour en finir avec Falardeau

By Pierre K. Malouf on November 4, 2009

Dans mon dernier Brasse-camarade, Les rues de la honte, je lançais, au terme d’une démonstration qui montrait l’absurdité du projet de changement de nom de la rue Amherst, un appel auquel manquait une phrase essentielle   : « Mais je vous en conjure, débarrassez-nous d’abord du boulevard Maurice-Duplessis!» Cet oubli est d’autant plus déplorable que l’entête de l’article annonçait qu’il y serait question du CHEUF.  Je reviendrai sur le sujet dans un prochain article ; aujourd’hui je veux régler le cas de Pierre Falardeau.

We dodged a bullet! Une lettre ouverte au Maire Tremblay

By Beryl Wajsman on November 4, 2009

The composite picture above illustrates the bullet we dodged. It's a play on Projet Montreal's placards showing a Polaroid snapshot of something fixed over a picture. Of its current state of disrepair. Well, the election of either Bergeron or Harel could have led our city into the reverse. A prospering St-Catherine street boarded up if either  Harel or Bergeron had a chance to institute either of their ideas about closing the street to traffic from  Papineau to Atwater in Harel's case, and from Papineau to Guy in Bergeron's case.

Too earnest - An historical perspective on the election

By Alan Hustak on November 4, 2009

Following a bizarre campaign, Gerald Tremblay won his third consecutive term Sunday, the first mayor to do so since Jean Drapeau in 1966. But the comparisons end there.  Drapeau won with 95.4 per cent of the popular vote. A majority of those who did vote on Sunday split their ticket. The Mayor lost some of his most experienced right hand men, notably his brother, Marcel Tremblay in Villeray-St. Michel- Park Extension, Michael Prescott in the Plateau Mont-Royal district as well as André Lavallée, in Rosemont, and Diane Lemieux, the star candidate earmarked to run Tremblay’s executive committee, who also went down to defeat in Ahunstic. 

Loi 104: l’obscurantisme nationaliste

By Bernard Amyot on November 4, 2009

Si l’on se fie aux réactions empressées et émotives au Québec suite à la publication du jugement de la Cour suprême du Canada invalidant certaines dispositions de la Loi 104 en matière de droits linguistiques, on pourrait facilement se croire dans une société à la pensée unique où le nationalisme et la Loi 101 ont statut de religion dont l’infaillibilité ne peut être contestée que sous peine d’excommunication. Dire qu’on entend encore, dans Le Devoir par surcroît, la ligne de Duplessis, ce grand défenseur des droits et libertés, de la tour de Pise qui penche toujours du même bord…  Désolant, surtout en 2009…

Freedom is indivisible: La tragédie de la décision 104

By Beryl Wajsman on November 4, 2009

Chaque fois que l'indivisibilité de la liberté est violée, nous sommes obligés d’exprimer notre opposition. Particulièrement, quand cette violation se produit dans notre cours. Et précisément quand ce que nous défendons est la souveraineté du choix individuel. Parce que la liberté de choisir est au cœur d'une société libre. C'est la leçon objective dans la différence entre la liberté et la tyrannie.

Extending 101 is nonsensical

By Dermod Travis on November 4, 2009

“Alex that would be: ‘what is the impact of extending Bill 101 to the CEGEP level on the quality and promotion of the French language?’ Correct for $200.” Recently, former Quebec premier Bernard Landry and a coalition of French language groups held a news conference to call on the Parti Quebecois to adopt a policy to restrict enrolment at English language CEGEPs.

Federal Court throws out prison smoking ban

By Jessica Murphy on November 4, 2009

Hardened criminals enfeebled by severe nicotine fits have won their court battle against a sweeping prohibition on smoking in federal penitentiaries.

On Oct. 23, Federal Court Judge Luc Martineau overturned the total ban enacted by Corrections Canada in May, 2008.

Environmentalists still trying to kill the internal combustion engine

By Mischa Popoff on November 4, 2009

Remember when global-warming activists screamed for the electric car? They weren’t bothered that it could only go 100 miles, or that it could only carry kids and golf clubs, or kids and groceries, but never all three. This new breed of green believers was willing to lead the way by vastly inconveniencing themselves in the hope the rest of us, overwrought with guilt, would follow suit.

LA PERFIDIE! The UN and the Goldstone libel

By Beryl Wajsman on November 4, 2009

UnitedNations.jpg“Every day at the U.N., on every side, we are assailed because we are a democracy. In the U.N. today there are in the range of several dozen democracies left; totalitarian regimes and assorted ancient and modern despotisms make up all the rest. Nothing so unites these nations as the conviction that their success ultimately depends on our failure. Most of the new states have ended up as enemies of freedom." Those words were not expressed yesterday. They were spoken over thirty years ago by Daniel Patrick Moynihan while serving as US Ambassador to the UN. They are as true today as they were then.

Election Day USA: Virginia and New Jersey

By David T. Jones on November 4, 2009

On Tuesday, November 3, as a resident of Arlington Virginia, I voted.  As I did so, I recalled that Canadian friends had voted earlier in the week in Montreal for mayor and council members.  On my ballot were candidates for governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, and a variety of state and county officials, e.g., school board.  For a variety of personal and institutional reasons, this was the first time I’d ever voted in Arlington, having participated by absentee ballot for 45 years in my home town, Scranton, Pennsylvania.  But now I was exercising my franchise where I live; it was a privilege to do so freely and one about which I am not blasé. 

PArt 1 of 2 - Statist Islam: A continuing challenge to civilization

By Thomas O. Hecht on November 4, 2009

It would have been unlike Prof. Samuel Huntington of Harvard University to say "I told you so" after 9/11. He is too austere and serious a thinker, with a legendary career as arguably the most influential and original political scientist of the last half of the 20th century – as always, swimming against the current of prevailing opinion.

Canada at the G20: power, but do we have a plan?

By Robert Presser on November 4, 2009

economy-presserBW_resize.jpgIn 1976, French President Valery Giscard d’Estaing decided that it would be a good idea to invite the leaders of the major western economic powers (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States of America) to an informal summit at a chateau outside of Paris to discuss their current common economic problems, giving birth to the G7.  Later expanded to include Russia (G8) this intimate grouping of world powers dominated the international economic and trade agenda until the Asian currency crisis of 1997 had ripple effects around the world, making a broader consultative forum a priority to encourage cooperation with the developing world.  That body was christened the G20, and today it represents nearly 85% of worldwide economic output (GDP) though 90% of the world’s countries are not at the table.

Why is the Dalai Lama so popular?

By Stephen Schettini on November 4, 2009

When I wanted to meet the Dalai Lama back in 1980, I went to his door in Dharamsala and knocked. “Sure,” his servant said. “Tomorrow afternoon okay?” That, of course, was before he became an international superstar. 

Le Monde de Piperberg

By Roy Piperberg on November 4, 2009


Still a man to watch; Pierre Trudeau

By Alan Hustak on November 4, 2009

just_Watch_Me_resize.JPGHe infatuates us still. 

At least a dozen biographies about Pierre Elliott Trudeau have been written, none of them as satisfying as Just Watch Me, (Alfred A. Knopf Canada, 788 pp. $39.95) the second volume of John English’s dispassionate, intimate look at Canada’s most contradictory, perplexing and some say greatest Prime Minister.

Segal’s “Inherit the wind” succeeds

By Alidor Aucoin on November 4, 2009

Inherit the Wind. Jerome Lawrence and Robert Lee’s dramatization of the 1925 Scopes monkey trial, is a timely old chestnut of a play, especially now that the fossil skeleton of Ardi, a 4-foot tall female primate who died 4.4-million years ago, is making headlines. 

Piazza San Domenico

By Alidor Aucoin on November 4, 2009

A kiss is just a kiss but in Steve Galluccio’s overrated romantic farce, In Piazza San Domenico, a lip lock has toxic consequences.  Galluccio’s play, held over at the Centaur until November 15, is a crowd pleaser in the same way that mindless B-movies have a following.  The playwright claims Feydeau as an inspiration, but Feydeau enlarged human foibles; Galluccio combines the improbable with the predictable, then exploits human nature in crude and unrealistic fashion. 

« Heureux sans dieu »: 14 voix pour l’athéisme

By René Girard on November 4, 2009

heureux-sans-dieu-L-1_resize.pngL’ouvrage collectif Heureux sans Dieu, qui vient de paraître sous la direction de Daniel Baril et Normand Baillargeon, offre un kaléidoscope sur un thème fort peu abordé dans nos sociétés soi-disant modernes : l’athéisme.  Pourtant, comme le rappelle Hervé Fischer dans sa communication les athées représentent 25% des Canadiens selon un sondage effectué en mai 2008.

English debate was a duty, not a choice

By Beryl Wajsman on October 1, 2009

There has been much discussion of late about Louise Harel’s failure to participate in CTV’s English Montreal mayoralty debate. Her supporters have argued everything from her discomfort in English to the fact that it is not really all that important. They have said that debating is a politician’s personal choice, not a duty. In this case, we beg to differ...

How Harel spent some public bucks

By Beryl Wajsman on October 1, 2009

Although Vision Montreal mayoralty candidate Louise Harel is quick to criticize her opponent, Gérald Tremblay, for allegedly misappropriating public funds, she too has questions to answer about how government dollars have been spent under her watch.
For two consecutive years, the Quebec government funded a month-long event called “Rhythms for Palestine,” which featured films and musical performances. Although the legitimacy of funding the events in 2000 and 2001 is not being called into question, the source of the grants is curious...


Harel: « Je suis le contraire d’une bureaucrate ! »

By Dan Delmar on October 1, 2009

Mayoralty candidate Louise Harel went on the defensive in an interview with The Métropolitain this week, saying she does not favour big government, but rather one that is effective and close to citizens, and also harshly criticizing « certains journalistes Anglophones » who she says are jumping to conclusions about her vision for Montreal...

Louise et l’État : une histoire d’amour

By Dan Delmar on October 1, 2009

Si les sondages des récents mois s’avèrent véridiques quant aux intentions du tiers des électeurs qui daigneront voter le jour du scrutin, Louise Harel a bien des chances d’être élue maire de Montréal.   Mme Harel est connue en tant qu’ancienne députée du Parti Québécois et ministre de premier plan.  Mais quelles sont son histoire et sa vision d’un bon gouvernement, et aussi, que planifie-t-elle pour Montréal ?

Several bricks fell from a 12-storey building under renovation on Ste. Catherine Street near Bleury St., damaging one car.

By . on October 1, 2009


Prud’homme retires

By Alan Hustak on October 1, 2009

Dignitaries from a number of Arab countries as well as Cuba and Russia attended a reception at Montreal City Hall Sept. 9 to honour the Dean of Canada’s parliamentarians, retiring senator Marcel Prud’homme. Prud’homme, who was described as the institutional memory on Parliament Hill  was first elected as a Liberal MP in 1963 and never lost an election before Brian Mulroney appointed him a senator 16 years ago...


Les rues de la honte

By Pierre K. Malouf on October 1, 2009

La rue Amherst conservera son nom. Échec déplorable ! Le principal reproche que j’adresse aux  valeureux censeurs qui voulaient améliorer les temps présents en épurant les temps anciens., c’est d’en être resté au stade larvaire d’un projet par ailleurs salutaire.  Montréal est sillonnée de long en large et de haut en bas, de rues aux noms douteux, pourquoi diable nous indigner des  seuls méfaits du misérable Jeffrey Amherst, qui n’a même pas su mettre à exécution ses criminelles intentions — ce que les susnommés ignoraient, les grandes vertus faisant souvent bon ménage avec l’ignorance. « Plus le mensonge est énorme, plus il sera cru », disait Joseph Goebbels, je dis que plus la mission est impossible, plus elle anoblit ses héros. Nos redresseurs de torts ont commis l’erreur de ne pas voir assez grand...

Réponse à un jeune

By René Girard on October 1, 2009

« Aujourd’hui, quand on demande à un jeune […] qui est Lionel Groulx, il répond que c’est une station de métro », déplorait Claude Béland, ancien dirigeant du Mouvement Desjardins et actuel président du conseil d’administration de la Fondation Lionel-Groulx, dans le Devoir du 13 août dernier.

Si un jeune me demandait à moi qui était Lionel Groulx, voici la réponse que je lui donnerais : 


Barack and the Straw Man

By Akil Alleyne on October 1, 2009

In the winter of 2008, knowing that the next president of the United States would be a Democrat, I decided that President Barack Obama, whatever his faults, would be preferable to President Hillary Clinton. This had nothing to do with their policy differences—which were scant—and everything to do with many Americans’ deep personal dislike of Hillary Clinton. The country had just endured eight years of monomaniacal Clinton-bashing from the Right, followed by another eight years of equally unhinged Bush-bashing from the Left. Could America not use a leader whose detractors could oppose his policy agenda without hating his guts? 

Zhao Ziyang -- major opportunity lost for China

By The Hon. David Kilgour on October 1, 2009

The publication this year of Prisoner Of State-The Secret Journal of Chinese Premier Zhao Ziyang  contains important insights into modern China by a leader who for almost 15 years played a key role in the management of its economy. Tienanmen Square events in mid-1989 sidelined Zhao, but party-state governance has probably worsened since and his observations recorded before his death in 2005 are useful to any student of China...


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