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Sovereign individuals

By Julius Grey on May 1, 2008

John Peter Humphrey lived a public life showered with honors, including a Canadian postage stamp in his name. But his private life was full of trials and tribulations. His parents died early, he lost an arm in a fire during childhood, and his first wife, to whom he was deeply attached, was a semi-invalid most of her life. His career, which now appears dazzling, also had many ups and downs...

La social-démocratie imaginaire

By Pierre K. Malouf on May 1, 2008

Le Québec ressemble à la France : on aime bien s’y gargariser de mots. L’un des plus populaires, qui clapote lamentablement dans nos pharynx, c’est l’expression « social-démocratie », tant galvaudée que, de nom composé, elle a dégénéré en notion décomposée...

Les priorités, les bonnes…

By Daniel Romano on May 1, 2008

Monsieur le Ministre...

The next Governor General

By David Solway on May 1, 2008

I regard my country as much in sorrow as in anger. Not so long ago I was listening to a radio news broadcast in which the remarks of an imam were being reported. Apparently, as a Jew I am the descendant of monkeys and swine and, along with those who share my theriomorphic ancestry, must be done way with, according to a Koranic sura cited by the imam in question, Sheikh Younus Kathrada. The sermon in which my demise and that of my family was being urged did not emanate from Riyadh, Teheran, Ramallah, Damascus or Sa’ana, but from a mosque in Vancouver. This particular offender may be muzzled, but there are many other Kathradas waiting in the wings...

Faisons donc confiance aux Québécois !

By Vincent Geloso on May 1, 2008

Au 16ème siècle, des quatre coins de l’Europe, des aventuriers avides de rêves, de fortune et d’espace, animés d’un espoir de liberté, s’embarquent dans des caravelles qui traverseront le périlleux Atlantique pour atteindre le Nouveau Monde. Ainsi commence l’histoire de l’Amérique. Nos coureurs des bois parcouraient le Canada pour faire le commerce des fourrures. Plus tard, des pionniers venus d’Europe colonisèrent, envers et contre tous les éléments, l’Ouest du Canada...

Parler mais ne rien dire

By Esther Delisle on May 1, 2008

Lors de la course à la chefferie du Parti Québécois en 2005, pressée sur les ondes d'une station radiophonique de donner sa position sur l'échéance référendaire de son parti si elle était élue, Pauline Marois répondit en substance que ce qui importait était de prendre le temps de parler de la souveraineté aux Québécois, de la leur expliquer...

Jean-Charles Harvey, le précurseur

By David Simard on May 1, 2008

Le lancement du Métropolitain, premier hebdo bilingue à apparaître à Montréal depuis des lunes, est une formidable occasion pour nous souvenir d’une figure importante de l’histoire du Montréal et du Québec du 20e siècle, Jean-Charles Harvey. Pourquoi ? Parce que ce défenseur des libertés avait promu, envers et contre les sectarismes de toutes sortes, la lutte contre les préjugés qui divisaient les deux principales communautés linguistiques de Montréal. C’est pourquoi je pense qu’il aurait vu d’un bon œil l’avènement, en 2008, d’un journal comme le Métropolitain...

Canada’s new urban reality

By Casey Vander Ploeg on May 1, 2008

There are many issues dominating Ottawa's agenda—the Afghan mission, a new crime bill, climate change, proposals to beef up Canada's sovereignty in the Arctic, and new limits on the federal spending power. But as the nation's leaders grope their way through this maze, they should not lose sight of Canada's larger urban agenda...

A Canadian profile in courage

By Robert J. Galbraith on May 1, 2008

While most Canadians are sitting back at their breakfast tables, drinking their morning coffee and kissing their children on the cheek as they head off to school, others are living in a far off corner of the planet, sacrificing their security and time with their families—to build a better world...

Beyond the Veil

By Rouba al-Fattal on May 1, 2008


Long Live the Great Satan!

By Andrei Piontkovsky on May 1, 2008

The revolutions in the Middle East and in the Muslim world generally, are well underway. But they are not quite the democratic ones that George Bush and Condolezza Rice have been hoping for. Tyrants and corrupt leaders are indeed trembling. Replacing them are young and not so young men with blazing eyes, Kalashnikov machine-guns and Shahid ammunition belts. Hamas in Palestine, Shiite clerics in Iraq, Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, and a deranged President in Iran...

Tout dire

By Marc Lebuis on May 1, 2008

Le saviez-vous? Le Conseil des droits de l’homme de l’ONU (CDH) vient de limiter le principe de la liberté d’expression au nom de la protection du « droit » des religions...

The Weather in China

By Tim Mak on May 1, 2008

Having just returned from a visit to China, I could regale you with anecdotes about my antics abroad. Alternatively, I could unload a bit of my more politically oriented reflections. With the eyes of the world on China, the Olympics, and Tibet, my preference is for the latter. Over the course of my trip, I visited the cities of Hong Kong and Beijing. Since they speak different languages and pursue almost entirely different policies, one might be forgiven for wondering if they belong to the same country at all...

Jimmy Carter ou le dindon de la farce syrienne

By Alain-Michel Ayache on May 1, 2008

Pour un coup médiatique, c’en est un! C’est en ces quelques mots, que la déclaration de l’ancien Président américain, Jimmy Carter, peut être résumée après sa visite à Damas. En réalité, à regarder de très près, un observateur initié au « machiavélisme » de la famille Assad peut déceler une stratégie damascène des plus brillantes pour retrouver une place de choix sur l’échiquier politique régional et s’asseoir de nouveau sur la table de négociation avec les grands...

Let’s not forget Labonté’s lair

By Beryl Wajsman on May 1, 2008

When Ville-Marie borough Mayor Benoit Labonté declared himself to be a candidate for the leadership of Pierre Bourque’s municipal party-Vision Montréal. He said “This city needs a mayor,” he said, “…not a steward (intendant)”...

Ottawa should learn from Québec’s censorship history

By P.A. Sévigny on May 1, 2008

he federal government should take the time to watch Québec journalist Eric Parent’s new film, “Les Ennemis du Cinéma” before letting Canada’s fundamentalist evangelical groups bully him into making a humiliating, and possibly fatal error for his party’s chances in a not-too-distant election...


By Barbara Kay on May 1, 2008

In its earliest and most benign form —the political campaign to achieve equality under the law and equality in economic opportunities— feminism was a necessary and welcome reform movement. No rational person could be less than delighted to see barriers to a full range of educational and career options for women fall by the wayside...

Globalization and the New Frontier of Emerging Markets

By Albert A. Zbily on May 1, 2008

Ask a risk analyst what they thought of emerging markets five years ago and they would have responded with one word: China. Asking the same question today arouses a different response that encompasses a larger geographical perspective. Emerging market investments are on the rise, and while stalwarts such as China and other Asian countries are getting the lion’s share of the investment dollars, places like Africa are beginning to stand out...

The big muddy

By Robert Elman on May 1, 2008

There was Enron. In 2001 Enron went into bankruptcy, but not before it had claimed the title as America’s most innovative Company, six years running. Enron was instrumental bringing down one of America’s leading accounting firms, Arthur Anderson. Its directors paid millions of dollars in restitution, its CEO was convicted of fraud, along with the CFO, investors lost billions of dollars, and innocent hard working employees, lost their retirement pension, and much of their future...

Réflexions sur les revenus

By Germain Belzile on May 1, 2008

Le temps des impôts approchant à grands pas au Canada, je vous propose un « thought experience » que je mène régulièrement avec mes étudiants, dans un cours d’économie du bien-être et de la taxation...

Unanimes, nos artistes ?

By Francis Tourigny on May 1, 2008

l y a soixante ans, le Refus global marquait le début de ce qu’on pourrait appeler l’engagement social des artistes québécois.  La « liberté de penser et de créer », prônée par les signataires du Refus, a été peu à peu remplacée par la « quête d’identité », suivie de sa conséquence dite logique de prétendue « libération nationale ».  Ce fantasme a depuis été chanté, filmé, joué, poétisé et proclamé de toutes les manières imaginables par une pléthore d’artistes québécois. ..

Community action saves Montreal’s music chapel

By P.A. Sévigny on May 1, 2008

When Tremblay administration executives threatened to cut off all the funding as required by the downtown core’s Chapelle Bon Pasteur concert program, an outraged protest from every corner of Montreal’s music community forced the mayor’s office to back off. Once the protest began to work its way into the city’s media,  city officials were forced to restore the funding required to maintain one        of the city’s more successful and cherished cultural programs...

“Forever Yours Marie-Lou” an aria

By Alidor Aucoin on May 1, 2008

Forever Yours Marie-Lou is one of Michel Tremblay’s early works— he was 27 when he wrote it in 1970, and the script is full of youthful rage and indignation...

Hurray for Lady Day

By Sharman Yarnell on May 1, 2008

She's vivacious and warm. Her soul is the very essence of Jazz and Blues. Few in this city perform   it better.

She's Ranee Lee...

Un acte d’orgueil

By Louise V. Labrecque on May 1, 2008

La machine se nourrit de sons. Elle démarre dans la ville, s’emballe dans l’excitation des sens, révèle des algorithmes étranges, urbains, des mystères inquiétants de faune bigarrée. La machine est au cœur du schéma narratif de ce roman de Michel Vézina, La machine à orgueil. En elle, nous apercevons le vide, le manque, le vertige, la profondeur du trou noir...

Surette premieres with a splash

By Alidor Aucoin on May 1, 2008

Roy Surette, who slipped into town unheralded from the Belfrey Theatre in Victoria six months ago to take over as the Centaur Theatre’s artistic director made his directorial debut at the end of March with The Mystery of Maddy Heisler.

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