The Global Village
"Décapitons" sans pitié la bête immonde islamiste!
Par Amb. Freddy Eytan le 9 juillet 2015
La dernière escalade de violence dans le Sinaï, les combats sans fin en Syrie, au Yémen et en Irak, les vagues interminables de réfugiés terrorisés fuyant l’enfer, les terribles attentats en Tunisie, en France, et au Koweït, les images effroyables de noyade et d’asphyxie de non musulmans enchainés, et les dernières décapitations notamment à Palmyre, par des citoyens islamistes européens, devraient secouer l’Occident et tous les hommes de bonne volonté.
Et pourtant, rien n’arrête l’horreur, la barbarie se poursuit de plus belle, voilà déjà plus d’un an.
Nous assistons chaque jour, dans la panique et le désarroi, comment des barbares assassinent aveuglement et avec le sourire tous ceux qui ne font pas partie de la mouvance islamique. Comment ces vandales saccagent et détruisent le patrimoine culturel de l’Humanité.
Le but du boycott est de délégitimer Israël et haïr le Juif
Par Amb. Freddy Eytan le 12 juin 2015
Jérusalem - Israël s’alarme à juste titre contre le boycott car il prend une ampleur sans précédent et constitue une menace réelle sur l’avenir de nos relations économiques, académiques, culturelles, sportives, et politiques. Il ne s’agit pas seulement d’une opération mondiale bien organisée et structurée qui a pour but d’exercer des pressions pour qu’Israël se retire des Territoires mais d’une campagne bien huilée et mensongère à des dimensions internationales discriminatoires et dangereuses.
Il est légitime de critiquer la politique d’un gouvernement mais comment lutter contre l’antisémitisme quand l’incitation à la haine à l’égard d’Israël et des Juifs prend des proportions incalculables dans le cadre de la globalisation et de l’Internet.
The Iran nuclear deal and American history
Par Robert Presser le 14 mai 2015
So much has been written in the past several weeks on the terms of the P5+1 deal to curtail Iran’s nuclear program. To summarize, proponents of the agreement believe that this was the best deal possible under the circumstances and that the West retains the ability to reinstate sanctions or undertake military action if Iran abrogates its commitments; opponents of the deal doubt that the verification process is adequate and lament that Iran’s nuclear research program and facilities remain intact. Both sides arecorrect in their assertions; it is unlikely that Iran would sign a more restrictive deal and the provisions of the current agreement will indeed allow Iran to continue essential efforts to develop its nuclear program with a view to building a bomb after the deal expires some 13 years from its ratification.
V-E Day 70 years later: Pounded on the anvil of history
Par Beryl Wajsman le 4 mai 2015
"The pounding those heroes took on the anvil of history produced the steel that is the stuff of legend. We have an obligation to honor that legend and live up to that legacy every day and in every way. There remain obstacles to storm today that will hold us loyal to that purpose. The beaches of injustice. The cliffs of oppression. The marshes of apathy. We must be standard bearers of compassion and conscience. That would be the living proof that the sacrifices of 70 years ago were not wasted."
Okill Stuart. One of the greatest generation
Par Alan Hustak le 2 mai 2015
Okill Stuart was with the 14th Canadian Field Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery, at a command post a few miles into Germany 70 years ago, when the war ended. The regiment had just swept through Holland and was on its way to Berlin when it was told to cease fire. ‘We were expecting the end, then we got the news the war was over,” recalls Stuart, “The Americans were the army of occupation, we weren’t. They pulled the Canadians out the next day and hauled us to Utrecht. There was no way we could all get back to Canada at once, so while we were waiting in Utrecht, we found a yacht club where the Germans had been relaxing a few weeks earlier, picked up cigarettes and bully beef, and we went sailing to celebrate war’s end. With a bit of bribery, we never ate better in our lives.”
The Armenian Genocide
Par Harry Dikranian le 26 avril 2015
Last Friday marked the centennial of the Armenian Genocide. Those two words, “Armenian Genocide,” are usually not capitalized, except in the minds and hearts of its survivors. Very few are alive today. But for their descendants around the world, the Armenian Genocide is a rallying cry for more than remembrance.
What happened on April 24, 1915? Ottoman Turkish soldiers carried out a centrally planned executive order to gather the Armenian minority’s elite. Over 250 political, professional, religious and business leaders were brutally marched into exile to the Syrian desert or simply killed.
Thursday’s Israel Rally. Why it matters to us all
Par Beryl Wajsman le 20 avril 2015
Thursday at 11 in the morning, over 10,000 Montrealers of all faiths and backgrounds will march from Phillips Square to Place du Canada to celebrate Israel’s independence. It is important to all of us – as members of the family of free people – that we be there. Here’s why.
If the Jewish people – in its national as well as religious manifestation - is the “canary in the mineshaft of history,” a phrase regularly employed by historians, then Israel is the litmus test of the ability of western civilization to survive. It is the frontline member of the family of free nations facing the existential challenge of Islamist fundamentalism. It may very well be that as Israel goes, so goes the west.
Ted Cruz – crazy or not you have to pay attention
Par Robert Presser le 16 avril 2015
Ted Cruz, the junior senator from Texas, announced that he is seeking the Republican nomination for President of the United States. You may not like Ted Cruz. Well, get in line, there are lots of progressive Americans ahead of you with that sentiment, never mind Canadian Liberals and NDPers, some Red Tories, and the list goes on. Don’t dismiss him with a slight of hand, however. Instead, pay very close attention to what he stands for and how he presents himself before the media. He is the best semantic communicator in a generation, knows his political and economic history backwards and forwards and is wicked smart.
MIGS director set to fight online terrorism
Par P.A. Sévigny le 16 février 2015
As the Senior Deputy Director of MIGS - Montreal’s Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies - Kyle Matthews believes that we’re already beginning to fight the Third World War and that its front lines can be easily found on the internet.
Let’s face it,” he said. “…we’re at war, and as of now, the bad guys are winning.”
According to Matthews, western governments should recognize and understand that ISIS – the Islamic State – is already using the social media as an effective medium for all of its propaganda and recruitment efforts and research indicates that they are already getting excellent results.
Despite Grandeur, Paris Demonstration Will Fail to Promote Change
Par Jordan Turner le 21 janvier 2015
The media coverage surrounding the biggest march in French History where 1.5 million French citizens and over 40 world leaders marched together to show solidarity for the victims of the massacre at Charlie Hebdo and at a kosher supermarket was unprecedented. The march was portrayed as a momentous event showing support for freedom of expression and free speech which are paramount to a democratic state and gave legitimacy to the old expression that the pen is mightier than the sword. However, despite the sheer numbers at the Paris demonstration, it will go down in history as a missed opportunity and not a turning point in the fight for freedom of expression.
Has the West found its inner Charlie?
Par Robert Presser le 18 janvier 2015
Watching world leaders march in Paris after the attacks at Charlie Hebdo and the Hyper Cachère, I was struck by the opportunistic appearance of the moment. During the very same week, Boko Haram murdered 2,000 people in Baga, Nigeria, no o one organized a march of Western leaders, even from a second tier of available politicos, to express our collective outrage at that massacre. It was left to Canada’s John Baird to make a declaration of condemnation. He was the most senior official within the G8 to do so. It would seem that we treat fundamentalist terrorism in the developing world as an expected event, and there is a lax attitude towards what we can do about it. If we consider Nigeria to be a strategic world asset due to its oil reserves and production capacity, then we should expect BokoHaram’s takeover of vast swaths of the country to galvanize the same response as ISIL’s caliphate in Iraq. Sadly, from a moral or a cynical geopolitical point of view, this is not the case.
Time to end our tolerance of the intolerable
Par Beryl Wajsman le 11 janvier 2015
The butchery at Charlie Hebdo and at the Hyper Cacher market in Paris has been called France`s 9/11. And the reason for it is that while America’s 9/11 attacked the world’s centre of commerce, the attacks in Paris violated the world’s historical centre of freedom. These were attacks, co-ordinated attacks, on those who practice freedom of speech and on those who were just born Jews. Two ways of dying under fascism. The two things these terrorists cannot abide. Free speech and free Jews.
I use the word fascism because that is what France’s leading public intellectuals have used. And France, for all its failed appeasing foreign policies, is perhaps the last western nation where public intellectuals do move policy.
Le réveil tardif de la France
Par Amb. Freddy Eytan le 8 janvier 2015
La France est en deuil et les drapeaux tricolores sont en berne. Les Français sont sous le choc, le terrorisme islamique a frappé Paris au cœur. Il a brisé les symboles inébranlables de la France. Il a assassiné la liberté de la presse et a tué les gardiens de la République. Cette terreur des fous d’Allah est effroyable car pour la première fois des journalistes ont été assassiné dans leur bureaux de rédaction, dans leur propre fief, devant leur ordinateur, face à leur dessin, leur créativité, leur œuvre courageuse. Auparavant, ils étaient pris en otage, puis décapités sur le champ de bataille, très loin de leur rédaction, et de leur famille. Aujourd’hui, dans la ville Lumière, des barbares ont voulu gommer des mots et des dessins par le sang des journalistes et des caricaturistes.
Canadian oil needs to decouple from the American market
Par Robert M. Cutler le 14 décembre 2014
U.S. President Barack Obama's appearance on The Colbert Report this week confirmed that he has no qualms about leaving Canada in the lurch in current global energy glut.
In the interview, Colbert observed that the Republican-controlled Congress would approve the Keystone pipeline, that polls show the American people favouring it, that the State Department review concluded any pollution would not be significant, and that it would create jobs for the U.S.workforce. In response to this "grilling", Obama repeated his long-stated misgivings about the project.
Boycott this!
Par Beryl Wajsman le 14 décembre 2014
So, Concordia’s students have voted in favor of supporting an academic and investment boycott against Israel. The so-called BDS – boycott, divestment and sanctions – movement. ”So what?” you might say. Isn’t this the annual hypocritical regurgitation of the so-called “progressives?” Yes it is. And as always, it requires a response.
A response not because those involved don’t realize their own complicity in lies, but for those who are not so politically involved and may actually think there is legitimacy to this act. A response not to rewrite history, but to remind those involved that the demonization of the Jews is not new and is aligned with the darkest forces of human history.
Abbas playing with fire on Temple Mount
Par Jordan Turner le 27 novembre 2014
After relative calm for the last 10 years, terror has returned to the streets of Jerusalem. Palestinians have driven cars into women, children and newborns waiting for the train, and this week terrorists stormed into a Synagogue in a part of Jerusalem which is uncontestably part of Israel by every international standard, and murdered in cold blood four unarmed civilians in the midst of their early morning prayers. Israeli`s, who have been lulled into a false sense of security from years of calm now return to extreme vigilance and caution in their daily lives. As Israel wipes the blood off the ground they are left to ponder how the tension in Jerusalem has suddenly reached a fever pitch. It has nothing to do with Palestinian`s quality of life, employment, access to education or freedom of movement, it has everything to do with the access to the Temple Mount.
L’Iran se moque des Occidentaux
Par Amb. Freddy Eytan le 27 novembre 2014
La prolongation des discussions avec l’Iran est sans doute préférable à un échec cuisant des pourparlers ou à la signature d’un mauvais accord. Cependant, tant qu’il n’y aura pas de traité crédible et définitif les occidentaux ne peuvent se réjouir et devraient au contraire être plus vigilants et intransigeants. Il faut reconnaître que dans la récente bataille diplomatique sur la suspension des sanctions et l’avenir du projet nucléaire, les Ayatollahs ont brouillé les cartes et dicté l’ordre du jour. Ils sourient ironiquement, enchantés de marquer des points. Ils peuvent enfin se frotter les mains avec satisfaction. Ils prouvent aux Occidentaux que dans le bazar oriental ils demeurent orfèvres en la matière.
La terreur islamiste à Jérusalem
Par Amb. Freddy Eytan le 19 novembre 2014
Le dernier massacre contre les fidèles de la synagogue Kéhilat Yaacov à Jérusalem s’inscrit dans une série d’attentats sanglants qui ont débuté depuis plusieurs années. Quatre rabbins ont été tués avec leurs châles et livres de prières, assassinés au couteau et à la hache comme du bétail. Des images horribles qui rappellent des souvenirs lointains ceux des pogroms en Europe. Les condamnations unanimes à travers le monde sont réconfortantes mais ne peuvent en aucun cas entendues seulement après chaque attentat meurtrier. La communauté internationale devrait prendre des mesures préventives, être plus énergique face au fléau du terrorisme et elle doit le combattre sans pitié et sans distinction. Nous devons tous dénoncer le terrorisme islamique qui déferle à travers tous les continents.
'Ich bin immer noch ein Berliner'
Par Robert Frank le 13 novembre 2014
For the generation that has grown to adulthood in the 25 years since the Berlin Wall fell, it must be hard to fathom how profoundly the world changed on Nov. 9, 1989.
We stared in wonderment at the television images of young Berliners from both East and West standing and singing arm-in-arm atop the divide that had defined the world we had grown up in.
“Wir sind das Volk,” read their banners. We are the people.
It was completely unexpected.
Until that day, many Western political pundits told us that the authoritarian Soviet Union would be around for another century. They asserted that we ought to find a way to accommodate the now defunct superpower. Unilateral disarmament by the West was mooted as a panacea.
The Unforgotten War
Par Robert Presser le 13 novembre 2014
As we approached the 100th anniversary of the First World War, there was a conscientious effort among governments and academics to revisit the causes of that war and reflect on the lessons of its aftermath. Unlike the Second World War, there are no more witnesses alive to recount their recollections, no longer do veterans of the Great War march in Remembrance Day processions. One hundred years on, history is making a U-turn to explore the echo of WWI, the unforgotten war.
I call it the unforgotten war because for at least a half-century its memory was suppressed by the shadow of WWII. How did that come to pass?
Want to stop ISIL? Kill the money trail!
Par Robert Presser le 29 septembre 2014
A remarkable event occurred during the week of September 22nd 2014 – the US and Arab-nation coalition against ISIL attacked the Islamic fundamentalist group’s oil assets in northern Iraq and southern Syria. Long considered off-limits under the hopes that legitimate governments would reassert control over these locations, this is the first overt attempt at cutting off the flow of profits from low-priced ($30 per barrel) oil sales used to finance the nascent caliphate’s terrorist activities. This overt undertaking is a tacit admission that neither a legitimate Iraqi nor a non-Assad Syrian coalition are likely to re-take these assets in the short or medium-term, so preserving their integrity is to be sacrificed for the greater goal of crippling ISIL’s finances. While this is just a first step, it represents a critical tactical change in the War on Terror, now in its second decade.
The Absurdity of the United Nations Human Rights Council
Par Jordan Turner le 14 septembre 2014
As the dust settles in the current round of fighting between Israel and Hamas following the latest cease-fire, Israel prepares for a new battle on the legal and diplomatic front. It has now become a unique custom that all of Israel’s wars and operations be subject to international investigation and review by the United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC). It was no surprise that on July 23rd, 2014 the HRC passed a resolution sponsored by some of the worst human rights violators, to form an inquiry into Israel’s conduct in its latest war with Hamas.
Taking the D out of BDS
Par Jordan Turner le 29 août 2014
With universities worldwide about to begin the new semester we are about to see a surge, as never seen before, for the BDS (Boycott, Divest and Sanction) anti-Israel movement on university campuses. The rhetoric, protests, demonstrations and intimidation of Jews, and of those whom believe in Israel’s right to exist, will be rampant. Just this past week in Canada the Ontario branch of the Canadian Federation of Students representing over 300, 000 university students have unanimously passed a motion to boycott Israel. This was preceded by Ryerson University’s student union voting last April to boycott Israel. These boycotts are only the start of what will be a well-organized push to delegitimize Israel and its supporters.
La diplomatie américaine est naïve et irréfléchie
Par Amb. Freddy Eytan le 30 juillet 2014
Jérusalem, Israël. Les images en provenance de Gaza sont horribles et très dures à voir. Comment être indifférent à ce gigantesque enchevêtrement, à ce chantier de ruines humaines, au désastre, et à la tragédie des familles palestiniennes. Toutes les guerres sont terribles et sales et nous déplorons une fois encore les victimes et les dégâts. Cependant, les chancelleries et les médias doivent dire toute la vérité et reconnaître que la faute incombe essentiellement au Hamas qui a provoqué cette guerre.Les chefs du Hamas ont cru transformer Tel-Aviv et les villes israéliennes en champ de bataille et en ruine par un lancement massif de roquettes et de missiles, et par des méga-attentats terroristes contre des villages et kibboutzim israéliens situés le long de la frontière.
Le vrai visage du Hamas et notre juste cause
Par Amb. Freddy Eytan le 22 juillet 2014
Jérusalem, Israel - La guerre que nous menons ces jours-ci contre le Hamas a été lancée à contre cœur. Elle nous a été imposée. Il faut savoir que les Israéliens ont ras le bol des guerres et souhaitent ardemment vivre en paix et en coexistence avec nos voisins arabes. Nous sacrifions chaque jour nos propres soldats, nos propres enfants, pour défendre notre pays, nos maisons et nos foyers. Les faubourgs de Gaza ne sont pas des banlieues paisibles. Le quartier de Sajajjihé où se déroule des combats acharnés ne se trouve pas à Neuilly ni à Manhattan… C’est un bastion terroriste du Hamas ! C’est delà que partent les tunnels et d’ici sont lancées les roquettes et les missiles sur les villes et villages d’Israël.
No proportionality
Par Beryl Wajsman le 14 juillet 2014
Well, now that the only democracy in the Middle East is trying to defend itself, we have the usual calls from some quarters that Israel’s response in Gaza is not proportional. Well, the critics may be right.
It is not proportional that Israel gives notice of targeted bombings while Hamas launches bombs without notice. Israel should perhaps adopt that policy.
No equivalency
Par Beryl Wajsman le 7 juillet 2014
On its own, the murders of the three Israeli Jewish teenagers - Eyal Yifrach, Gilad Shaar and Naftali Frenkel - would call for special condemnation . But what makes this even more urgent, is the rush to moral equivalency in so many quarters in the public arena following the heinous killing of Mohammed Abu Khudair, the Palestinian teenager. If this is the last place, and even the only place, where one truth will be stated clearly and candidly then we must do so. These murders are equally repugnant as individual acts. But there is no collective equivalency between the societies from which they arose.
La vengeance aveugle est contraire aux valeurs du judaïsme
Par Amb. Freddy Eytan le 7 juillet 2014
Jerusalem - Le meurtre horrible du jeune palestinien par des vengeurs juifs est injustifiable et impardonnable. Contrairement aux peuples qui nous entourent, nous savons condamner fermement et arrêter les coupables ! Nous sommes aussi capables d’être solidaires d’une famille palestinienne en deuil. La douleur de la mort d’un enfant n’a pas de frontière.
Cet acte insensé a bouleversé toutes les cartes. Il a apporté de l’eau au moulin à nos détracteurs, a fait verser bêtement et sauvagement de l’huile sur le feu, et a réanimé la haine aveugle et raciste dans un contexte déjà explosif.
The Normandy Spirit
Par John Parisella le 27 juin 2014
Like so many in Canada, the U.S., and Western Europe, I was moved by the commemorative events surrounding the Normandy landing that took place 70 years ago on June 6, 1944. It was a moment to remember the ultimate sacrifice of what journalist Tom Brokaw labeled “the Greatest Generation,” who struggled in the defense of freedom and the elimination of Nazi barbarism. We owe so much to those who fought and to the few veterans remaining. It was a fitting memorial.
In stark contrast to the events surrounding the Normandy landing, a growing controversy in a prisoner-of-war swap soon became the news of the day.
Le combat contre la terreur des djihadistes et du Hamas
Par Amb. Freddy Eytan le 26 juin 2014
Jerusalem - Les yeux de toute la planète sont braqués sur la Coupe du Monde, sur cette formidable bataille sportive entre des équipes venues de tous les continents au Brésil. Ils viennent dans le pays de la Samba pour danser, jouer, gagner,perdre et puis repartir, chacun vers sa propre destination. Tandis que là bas on s’amuse avec le ballon rond et les pronostics, ici, loin des projecteurs, des milliers de soldats israéliens recherchent trois adolescents innocents pris en otage par des terroristes. A proximité, et sur un autre terrain, d’autres combats font rage provoquant des centaines de milliers de victimes, des millions de réfugiés et des drames quotidiens et terrifiants.
Living with the aftermath of the First World War in Iraq
Par Robert Presser le 26 juin 2014
Back in 2003 when the US was busy creating a post-invasion democracy in Iraq, Joe Biden, then a US senator, looked at the prospective constitution and had an alternative idea. He proposed that Iraq be divided into three largely autonomous regions, the Kurds in the north and the Shiites and Sunnis along roughly an east-west axis. Joe was a decent student of the regional history and came to the conclusion that these sects were unlikely to share power for long. Biden said that Iraq required a political solution that simplygave each party “a seat at the table and a piece of the pie,” referring specifically to a share of the wealth expected to be created by future oil revenues.
First person: D-Day + 15 on Omaha Beach by Sid Birns
Par Sid Birns le 3 juin 2014
The port of embarkation in the south of England was wet and mudddy. No matter where you looked, all you could see were soldiers going in and out of tents surrounded by all kinds of equipment that would be used once we landed in Normandy.
The invasion force was in front of us having landed on June 6th, 1944, D-Day. The invasion of Fortress Europe was on and we were waiting our turn to board the landing craft.
D-Day: 70 Years After. What we owe.
Par Beryl Wajsman le 3 juin 2014
Friday we will remember. We should remember every day. And everyday act with the character and valor of those heroes who stormed the beaches of Normandy.
Friday, June 6th, will be the seventieth anniversary of D-Day. We commemorate the unparalleled heroism of human beings facing inhuman elements to begin the destruction of the most devastating evil in human history and the vanquishing of civilization’s most obscene enemy. But the remembrance must also be personal.
Les partis de l’extrême droite et la haine du Juif en Europe
Par Amb. Freddy Eytan le 3 juin 2014
Après l’assassinat à Paris du jeune Ilan Halimi en 2006, après la tuerie de Toulouse en 2012, voilà un nouvel attentat monstrueux au Musée Juif de Bruxelles. La haine antisémite, la bête immonde relève la tête et assassine lâchement des Juifs au cœur de l’Europe ! Ce dernier acte de violence se déroule au moment même où des millions d’Européens de 28 pays sont partis aux urnes pour élire un nouveau Parlement plus xénophobe, et le même jour où le Pape a foulé la Terre Sainte et a prononcé la Bonne Parole en souhaitant un dialogue franc et sincère entre les trois religions monothéistes.
“Mr. Abbas, your actions belie your words.”
Par Beryl Wajsman le 28 avril 2014
We write this on Monday, April 28th, the day the world commemorates the Holocaust. We just attended a ceremony at City Hall at which Mayor Denis Coderre led the Montreal commemoration of “To every person there is a name.” This an annual event organized by B’nai B’rith in Montreal. Names of some of the six million Jews slaughtered by the Nazis are read out together with their age, place of residence and place of murder. This ceremony takes place in almost all major cities in the western world. Mayor Coderre was accompanied by much of Montreal’s political leadership. He was eloquent, empathetic and emotive. His words and feelings were sincere and authentic.