The Thousand Words: A dead soldier lays in the street in the south Osetian town of Tskhinvali

Par . le 21 août 2008


Ottawa “Human Dignity Rally” an inspiring success

Par Beryl Wajsman le 21 août 2008

The Ottawa rally for rights in China, that we have encouraged Mon-trealers to support over the past few weeks, was held last Thursday and was a resounding success. Finally dubbed the “Human Dignity Rally”, it saw hundreds of demonstrators from Montreal, Ottawa and Toronto gather in front of the Chinese Embassy, a hulking grey-stone monolith on St. Patrick St., and demand an end to Chinese tyranny, oppression, expansionist ambitions and human rights violations...

Garneau still holds healthy lead

Par P.A. Sévigny le 21 août 2008

With only three short weeks to go before polling day in the Westmount-Ville Marie by-election, Liberal candidate Marc Garneau seems to have a healthy lead and there’s no reason why he should lose it before election day...

Permis d’espérer

Par Pierre K. Malouf le 21 août 2008

Le 29 mars 1999, le GROUPE DE TRAVAIL SUR LA PLACE DE LA RELIGION À L’ÉCOLE formé en 1997 par Pauline Marois et présidé par Jean-Pierre Proulx déposait son rapport devant le ministre François Legault...

Turcot tensions

Par Jessica Murphy le 21 août 2008

Forty years ago, Montreal looked to the future. Now, one of the iconic structures of that era—the Turcot Interchange—will be rebuilt, freeing the Turcot Yards for development. The Yards are now one of the largest empty urban spaces in North America. Whatever is built there will have a huge impact on the city...

Ces « poètes » de brousse…

Par Louise V. Labrecque le 21 août 2008

Ils parlent tous du contexte… Le contexte dans lequel ils ont grandi, par exemple. « Très jeune, je voulais devenir écrivain », pour reprendre du même souffle : « l’école – c’est-à-dire la société -, ne semblait pas répondre à ce rêve »...

Mark Bruneau—raw

Par Dan Delmar le 21 août 2008

It is apparent from the start that Mark Bruneau, who is seeking the Liberal party nomination in the south-west Jeanne-Le Ber riding, is different. And not the kind of “different” that is bandied about by most politicians who want to set themselves apart from so many of their dull and mediocre colleagues. Bruneau, 47, is an eccentric, in-your-face, heavy-set multi-millionaire with razor-sharp wit and, he says, a desire to spend the next quarter-century serving his country. In short, he breaks the mold...

La vision israélienne

Par Alain-Michel Ayache le 21 août 2008

Il fallait s’y attendre, la décision du Premier ministre israélien, Ehud Olmert, de démissionner, sonne le glas d’une courte ère aux conséquences néfastes pour l’image de marque d’Israël...

La réaction arabe

Par Alain-Michel Ayache le 21 août 2008

Il y a quelques semaines, suite à l’accord conclut avec Israël par l'intermédiaire de la médiation allemande pour libérer les prisonniers libanais et palestiniens des prisons israéliennes en échange des corps des deux soldats israéliens, le Secrétaire général du Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, déclarait publiquement devant des dizaines de milliers de partisans « chose promise, chose due! »...

Why McCain can't let Obama run against Bush

Par Prof. Thomas Velk le 21 août 2008

George Bush is not running for President, but Barack Obama is running against him anyway. With every call for change, the charismatic young Senator reminds the electorate that he is not merely anti-Bush, but The Anti-Bush...

Piperberg's World

Par Roy Piperberg le 21 août 2008


Artificial Cities

Par David T. Jones le 21 août 2008

When diplomats travel, they observe. Usually those observations are of the "foreign" countries to which they are professionally assigned or are encountering for professional reasons. But it can also be interesting--and even self-instructive--to play diplomatic observer in one's own country. Having recently been a first-time visitor to Las Vegas, Nevada; the national parks of Bryce Canyon and Zion, Utah; and Hoover Dam, Nevada, prompted a series of thoughts that might interest far-away Canadians...

Extraordinary ruling in Democracy Watch lobbying challenge

Par Duff Conacher le 21 août 2008

In an extraordinary one-line ruling, without giving any reasons, Federal Court of Canada Justice Alan M. Linden recently ordered Democracy Watch to pay $10,000 in advance into court to cover costs it may possibly have to pay in the future to lobbyist Barry Campbell, as a result of Democracy Watch's appeal of the February 2008 Federal Court ruling by Deputy Judge Orville Frenette that legalizes federal registered lobbyists raising money and doing favours for Cabinet ministers they lobby...

The other side of Beijing

Par Alidor Aucoin le 21 août 2008

So you thought the opening ceremonies of the Olympic games were as thrilling as they were chilling?..

Ottawa should learn from Québec’s censorship history

Par P.A. Sévigny le 21 août 2008

The federal government should take the time to watch Québec journalist Eric Parent’s new film, “Les Ennemis du Cinéma” before letting Canada’s fundamentalist evangelical groups bully him into making a humiliating, and possibly fatal error for his party’s chances in a not-too-distant election...

Nous sommes l’espèce fabulatrice

Par Louise V. Labrecque le 21 août 2008

Notre spécialité, notre péjorative, notre manie, notre gloire et notre chute, c’est le pourquoi...

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